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I made no answer, and did not move from where I was seated; so he called again, "Come, Mr. Strock; you don't answer." In truth, it cut me deeply to abandon our effort, to descend the slope without having achieved my mission. I felt an imperious need of persisting; my curiosity had redoubled. But what could I do? Could I tear open this unyielding earth? Overleap the mighty cliff?

The deception as to her sex, though resting on no motive that pointed to these people, or at all concerned them, would be resented as if it had. The lady would resent the case as a mockery; and Urquiza would lose his opportunity of delivering himself from an imperious mistress. According to the usages of the times and country, Kate knew that in twelve hours she would be assassinated.

"As a hungry man wants food as an artist wants beauty. But I know where I shall not get it." "That is always a gain!" said Kitty, throwing back her little head. "Mr. Cliffe, pray let me bid you good-bye." He suddenly made a step forward. "Lady Kitty!" his deep-set, imperious eyes searched her face "I can't restrain myself. Your look your expression go to my heart. Laugh at me if you like.

She made him an imperious gesture; he stalked haughtily forward, he took his place at her bridle rein, and the three set forth. Two are adversaries; The tongue is the bane of the head; Under every cloak I expect a hand. Ha'vama'l For a while the road of the little party ran beside the brawling Nid, whose shores were astir with activity and life.

He issued a few short sharp orders to the servants. An imperious wave of his hand drove us all to the door. We watched him, fascinated, though I think we all knew in our hearts that it was too late, and that nothing could be done now. I could see by the expression on his face that he himself had little hope. Finally he abandoned his task, shaking his head gravely.

The round-limbed beauty at his side crushed her gauzy draperies against him, as they trod the figure of the dance together, but it was no more to him than if an old nurse had laid her hand on his sleeve. The young girl chafed at his seeming neglect, and her imperious blood mounted into her cheeks; but he appeared unconscious of it.

which might be placed side by side with Marlowe's: The frowning looks of fiery Tamburlaine That with his terrour and imperious eies, Commands the hearts of his associates.

"Stay one moment, and you shall know what your pride and self-will have cost you!" Myrtle stood, arrested, whether by fear, or curiosity, or the passive subjection of her muscles to his imperious will, it would be hard to say. Murray Bradshaw took out the spotted paper from his breast-pocket, and held it up before her. "Look here!" he exclaimed.

The Lutheran princes everywhere joined the victorious Gustavus; Austria itself was threatened by his irresistible arms; and the emperor, in despair, called Wallenstein again to the command, yielding to the most extreme demands of this imperious chief.

And among other things, the tribune alleged as a charge against him that "he had banished his son, a youth convicted of no improper conduct, from the city, home, household gods, forum, light, from the society of his equals, and consigned him in a manner to a prison or workhouse; where a youth of dictatorian rank, born of a very high family, should learn by his daily suffering that he was descended of a truly imperious father.