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When it was the Three Hundred and Forty-seventh Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Ibrahim son of Al-Mahdi continued: "Now when the housemaster heard my name he sprang to his feet and said, 'Indeed I wondered that such gifts should belong to any but the like of thee; and Fortune hath done me a good turn for which I cannot thank her too much.

Never did a boy enter Rugby with better chances. The memory of my three brothers still lived in the house. Many masters remembered them for good, particularly Jacky, the housemaster, who had loved them all, especially Hugh.

"But unfortunately, Ray," replied Radley, also pleased, "every boy was not appointed a judge, and your housemaster was. Now, do you think that the judge's decision can be overruled by a mere counting of the heads that disagree with him?

There are just a few, and Bassington is one of them, who are Nature's highly finished product when they are in the schoolboy stage, and we, who are supposed to be moulding raw material, are quite helpless when we come in contact with them." "But what happens to them when they grow up?" "They never do grow up," said the housemaster; "that is their tragedy.

Downing which hung on the wall, when the housemaster came in. "An excellent likeness, sir," said Psmith, with a gesture of the hand towards the painting. "Well, Smith," said Mr. Downing shortly, "what do you wish to see me about?" "It was in connection with the regrettable painting of your dog, sir." "Ha!" said Mr. Downing.

The messenger did not know. Mr. Downing, it seemed, had not confided in him. All he knew was that the housemaster was in the house, and would be glad if Mike would step across. "A nuisance," said Psmith, "this incessant demand for you. That's the worst of being popular. If he wants you to stop to tea, edge away. A meal on rather a sumptuous scale will be prepared in the study against your return."

Feeling aggrieved with himself that he had not thought of this before, he, too, hurried over to Outwood's. Mr. Downing was brisk and peremptory. "I wish to look at these shoes again," he said. Psmith, with a sigh, laid down his novel, and rose to assist him. "Sit down, Smith," said the housemaster. "I can manage without your help."

It is Mr. Fillet, the housemaster of Bramhall House, where, as you know, we were paying guests a fat little man with a bald pate, a soft red face, a pretty little chestnut beard, and an ugly little stutter in his speech. Bless him, the dear little man, we called him Carpet Slippers. This was because one of his two chief attributes was to be always in carpet slippers.

His game-keeper was waiting at the boathouse, but the postman had brought some letters that made him put off his sport. This was annoying, because Osborn hated to be balked and seldom allowed anything to interfere with his amusements. One letter, from a housemaster at a famous public school, covered a number of bills, which, the writer stated somewhat curtly, ought to have been paid.

This was the origin of testaments. In the ordinary course of law the freeman could not lose or surrender the inalienable blessing of freedom, and therefore one who was subject to no housemaster could not subject himself to another in the place of a son unless the community should grant him leave to do so.