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"Yes, sir," I said brightly. It was kind of him to ask questions to which I could honestly answer in the affirmative. I did occasionally do some work. "Mr. Fillet?" queried Salome, desiring the housemaster to have his say.

He received the housemaster frostily, but thawed as the latter related the events which had led up to the ringing of the bell. "Dear me!" he said, deeply interested. "One of the boys at the school, you think?" "I am certain of it," said Mr. Downing. "Was he wearing a school cap?" "He was bare-headed.

The desire to be returning to school with which Hugh went up to the university did not last long; he paid a visit to his housemaster, and saw with a mixture of envy and amusement how his juniors had all stepped quietly into the places which he and his friends had vacated, and were enjoying the sensation of influence and activity.

"The opinions I am about to put forward are based almost entirely on my own twenty years' experience as a housemaster. My house contains forty-eight boys, who vary in age from ten to nineteen and come from comfortable middle-class homes. "Private interviews with individual boys in my study have been the chief vehicle of my teaching and the chief source of my information.

The night was as still as only an English summer night can be, and the first clang of the clapper sounded like a million iron girders falling from a height onto a sheet of tin. He tugged away furiously, with an eye on the now rapidly advancing and loudly shouting figure of the housemaster.

When he returned to Locksley at the beginning of the winter term, he was at once made aware that that episode was not to be considered closed. On the first evening, Mr. Day, his housemaster, sent for him. "Well, Dunstable," he said, "where is that imposition?" Dunstable affected ignorance. "Please, sir, you set me no imposition." "No, Dunstable, no." Mr.

He stood on one foot and smiled a propitiating smile. So far Mr. Seymour was entitled to demand a cigar or cocoanut every time. The housemaster walked to the window, looked out, returned to the mantelpiece, and shifted the position of a china vase two and a quarter inches to the left. Chapple, by way of spirited repartee, stood on the other leg and curled the disengaged foot round his ankle.

It will well repay a visit. Good-bye for the present, Jackson, good-bye." Mike wandered across to the other side of the house, his gloom visibly deepened. All alone in a strange school, where they probably played hopscotch, with a housemaster who offered one cups of tea after one's journey and talked about chamfered plinths and apses. It was a little hard.

To make matters worse Salome rested his eyes like a searchlight on the hand. At last he looked distressingly straight at my face. "Ray," he asked, "are you a perfect fool?" "No, sir," I said, and grinned. The Head turned to my housemaster for his testimony. "Mr. Fillet, is the boy a fool?"

He came and saluted us and we stood up to receive him; but when he was about to sit down he espied amongst us a certain man which was a Barber; whereupon he refused to be seated and would have gone away. When the housemaster heard these words he marvelled with extreme marvel and said, "How cometh this young man, who haileth from Baghdad, to be so troubled and perplexed about this Barber?"