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Updated: August 6, 2024

She was too far away now to make out any details in the moonlight, but the sight was somewhat unusual and alarming, he scarcely knew why. "I got dem tied safe, Mars' Hil'ry," called out the voice of the boy from the road. "All right, Dick! We will leave this one here, and try to find out what's wrong; you follow me, and keep the pistols ready." "Yes, Mars', I got dem."

Hil'ry opened the furnace door jes so; an' he cotch the boy by the arm" the great brawny fellow, unconsciously dramatic, suited the action to the word, his face and figure illumined by the sudden red glow "an' Hil'ry, he say, 'Naw, by God ye hev got yer mother's eyes in yer head, an' I'll swear ye sha'n't larn ter be a sot! An' that's how kem Hil'ry made Alf Bixby take Lee-yander ter work in the mill.

Waal, she waited toler'ble constant fur two or three year, but Ebenezer Yerby he kem a-visitin' his kin down in Tanglefoot Cove, an' she an' him met at a bran dance, an' the fust thing I hearn they war married, an' 'fore Hil'ry got back she war dead an' buried, an' so war Ebenezer."

Then, taking thought and courage together, "Ye can't say the Bible ain't down on 'strong drink'?" There was no answer from the vanquished, and he went on in the overwhelming miller's voice: "Hil'ry hed better be purtectin' his-self from strong drink, 'stiddier the boy by makin' him stay up thar at the mill whar he knows thar's no drinkin' goin' on ez will git chances at it other ways, ef not through him, in the long life he hev got ter live.

"This hyar Malviny Hixon ez lived down in Tanglefoot Cove then her an' Hil'ry war promised ter marry, but the revenuers captured him he war a-runnin' a still in Tanglefoot then an' they kep' him in jail somewhar in the North fur five year.

Hil'ry he tuk a look at Lee-yander whenst he wanted ter kem an' work along o' we-uns, 'kase his folks wanted ter take him away from the Sudleys.

Oh, Mars' Hil'ry, le' 's get out ob heah." Faithful unto death at the post of duty. The little drama was perfectly plain to him. But who were these raiders? Who could they be? And Katharine? "Oh, my God," he exclaimed, stung into quick action at the thought of a possible peril to his love. "Come, Dick, to the house; she may be in danger." "But dis libe one, Mars' Hil'ry?"

His friend watched the train vanish into the forest. Then, as his horse was brought, he mounted and moved back toward the city. Presently the negro, on the other horse, came up almost abreast of him. "Mahs' Hil'ry?" he ventured. "Well, uncle Jerry?" "Dat's a pow'ful good-lookin' suit o' clo'es what L'tenant Greenfeel got awn." "Jerry! you cut me to the heart!"

"'Tain't nobody but Hil'ry," observed Isham Beaton, half in reproach, half in reassurance. The pervasive light without dissipated in some degree the gloom within the grotto; a sort of gray visibility was on the appurtenances and the figures about the still, not strong enough to suggest color, but giving contour.

An' I tell my wife that he'd hev been better acquainted with her then, an' would hev fund out ez no woman war wuth mournin' 'bout fur nigh twenty year. My wife says she can't make out ez how Hil'ry 'ain't got pride enough not ter furgive her fur givin' him the mitten like she done.

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