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Meg, get pencils and paper, and we'll have a round of 'telegrams'." Diana to the Rescue Next morning the postman arrived quite laden with parcels and letters addressed to "Miss Diana Hewlitt". As Mrs. Fleming had prophesied, everything came at once, and her young guest spent a busy and ecstatic half-hour opening her various packages.

Hewlitt, who intends to make his home with us permanently, is representative of the celebrated work, Jarby's Encyclopedia of Knowledge and Compendium of Literature, Science and Art, published by Jarby & Goss, Greater New York, and his travels in behalf of that work have taken him to all parts of the nation. To have a man of such extensive travel decide to make Kilo his home is an honor. Mr.

"It seems to be all you claim for it," he said; "but I fear the landlord of the Kilo House was right. We are not, many of us, ready for more books at present. If you return in a year or eight months " Eliph' Hewlitt smiled, and put his hand gently no the glossy black knee of the minister's best trousers. "True," he said, "true! Kilo has books.

"Besides which, the hotels are so delightfully old-world and quaint, I shouldn't like to miss them," added Mrs. Hewlitt. "Rather too old-world sometimes," shivered her daughter. Diana had had an unpleasant experience the night before. Generally she and Loveday slept together, but on this occasion they had been given separate rooms.

The lady smiled as she noticed that he had not feared his soliciting habits sufficiently to leave the book in the buggy, and she made a mental note of this to be used in the story she meant to write about this book-agent type. "My name is Smith," she told him, as she tripped lightly toward the group about the lunch baskets. Eliph' Hewlitt was a small man and his movements were short and jerky.

I have so few books, and so few opportunities of securing them." Eliph' Hewlitt held out his hand for the sample volume. "When you have this book," he declared, "you NEED no others. It makes a Carnegie library of the humblest home." The entire picnic had gradually gathered around him. "Ladies and gents," he said, "I have come to bring knowledge and power where ignorance and darkness have lurked.

Eliph' Hewlitt drove with his hands held high, almost on a level with his sandy whiskers, for he was well acquainted with Irontail. The road seemed to pass through a region of large farms, offering few opportunities for selling books, the houses being so far apart, but Eliph' knew the small settlement of Clarence was a few miles farther on, and he was carrying enlightenment to the benighted.

Hewlitt was very tired after his long spell of arduous work in Paris, and was glad to rest his brains, so they spent most of the time boating on the lake, or strolling in the woods, getting new-made-over in the fresh, bracing country air. The car they had hired was to meet them at Lancaster. They went thus far south by train, then motored to Liverpool.

In the doorway, above the heads of the giggling girls, appeared a vision in pince-nez an avenging vision that passed rapidly through the several stages of amazement, consternation, and wrath. "Di-ana Hewlitt!" snapped Miss Hampson. "Go down and report yourself instantly to Miss Todd. This is simply disgraceful! Girls, take your seats!

I will make you a present of y encyclopedia. I will give it to you, and the next time you see Mr. Hewlitt you can tell him you have a copy, and then he will leave you alone!" That was how it happened that at the next festival Miss Sally did not run when she saw Eliph' Hewlitt approaching, but stood waiting for him. He stepped up to her with a smile that was half pleasure and half excuse.