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"I never have had a home," she said. "I never had no idee how folk that have got things lived till I went over over to that that hell-hole there!" And she waved her hand over toward Blue-grass Manor. I was startled at her fierce manner and words. "Your folks come along here the other day," I said, to turn the subject, I guess. "Did they?" she asked, with a little gasp. "What did they say?"

Throttling to quarter-speed they skirted the south shore of the island and nosed their way along the coast. At length the girl suggested a halt. "We ought to be nearly up to the Hell-Hole Isthmus by now," she whispered. "On the beach along here there should be a lot of tide-water caves if we're where I think. Around the next point is the goose-neck. We'd better go ashore and have a look.

Tom Conboy told me the judge had telegraphed to the governor asking him to send soldiers to restore law and order in the town." "Law and order!" Stilwell scorned. "All the law and order they ever had in that hell-hole a man'd never miss." "Where's the sheriff what's he doing to restore order?" Morgan inquired. "The sheriff ain't doin' nothing.

It came from Diablo and reported the arrival of a portion of his fleet off the Hell-Hole. The message was phrased in the most optimistic terms. Fish appeared to be plentiful. The weather was fine, the sea smooth. There was no sign of interference from any quarter. Yet the worried lines which creased Gregory's forehead deepened. It had been that way often of late at devil island.

"That's about all you do do in this hell-hole, buddy," said a man beside him. The man pointed with his thumb at the window and said again: "See that rain? Well, I been in this camp three weeks and it ain't stopped rainin' once. What d'yer think of that fer a country?" "It certainly ain't like home," said Fuselli. "I'm going to have some chauclate." "It's damn rotten."

"No offence, sir, no offence," Daughtry stammered in apology, although he wondered in what way he could have hurt the old gentleman's feelings. "You are my friend, sir," the other went on, gravely censorious. "I am your friend, sir. And you give me to understand that you think I have come out here to this hell-hole to say good-bye. I came out here to get you, sir, and your nigger, sir.

An' I'm goin' to get yer father a job, helpin' me, down somewheres near Greensville because I couldn't sleep nights knowin' ye was runnin' round anywheres near that hell-hole yonder!" The Iron Edge of Winter The glory of the leaves was gone; the glory of the snow was not yet come; and the world, smitten with bitter frost, was grey like steel.

The girl was here and it was up to him to leave her in a place of safety if such could be found upon the island. While Hawkins conferred with his two friends, Gregory laid his plans. He would leave Dickie with the Richard. She had her automatic and a rifle. They would lay in close to shore on the south shore, opposite the Hell-Hole.

I've never been stuck yet in bringing out a drive, and I hope this won't be the first time." "But what's your plan?" asked one. "Hadn't ye better pick one of us to go down into that hell-hole, an' cut that key log?" "No, that isn't my plan," and the boss scratched the back of his head. "I'm not going to be responsible for the carcase of any man.

"Well then, I'd be dead," said Hardy soberly. "But wouldn't you rather be dead than shut up in that hell-hole down at Yuma?" "Yes!" cried Creede, holding out his hands as if taking an oath. "I would, by God!" "Well, come on then!" said Hardy, and they shook hands on it like brothers.