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The youngest son Richard, born August 6, 1669, inherited the large estate of his stepfather, George Browne, of Haverhill. The wife of Moses Hazen was Abigail White, aunt of James White who came to St. John. Their sons John, Moses and William have a special interest for us. John, the oldest distinguished himself as a captain of the Massachusetts troops in the French war.

Through such influences, I thought I saw good chances of preserving peace, and of inducing the discontented to go quietly to their reservations in the Indian Territory as soon as General Hazen, the representative of the Peace Commissioners, was ready to conduct them there from Fort Larned.

It is a curious circumstance that the present members for Sunbury County in the provincial legislature, Parker Glasier and J. Douglas Hazen, are great-grandsons respectively of Benjamin Glasier and John Hazen, old neighbors and worthy residents of Sunbury one hundred and twenty years ago.

Hazen, got them for me and some of them are corking not at all dry and stupid as books often are. If you haven't seen them already, I know you'll like them." How easily and naturally it all came about! Before they knew it, Mr. Fernald was talking, Mr. Clarence Fernald was talking, Laurie was talking, and Ted himself was talking.

"I suppose that point of view was quite justifiable," mused Ted. "But wasn't it a pity?" "Yes, it was," agreed Mr. Hazen. "Yet here again we realize how man moves inch by inch, never knowing what is just around the turn of the road. He can only go it blindly and do the best he knows at the time. Naturally neither Mr. Hubbard nor Mr.

He submitted to Hazen and Jarvis the accounts of the business at St. John for the three years of the company's operations and then repaired to Haverhill, about fourteen miles distant, to visit his relations. On his return he was accompanied by his sister Sarah and by his young bride, Hannah Peabody, who were about to settle with him at St. John.

Hazen who had plunged in to meet them and drag them to land. They had come so far down the river that when the canoe was finally beached they found themselves opposite the sweeping lawns of Pine Lea. Ted and the tutor were chilled and exhausted and Laurie was weak from fright and excitement.

William Hazen the oldest known picture of Saint John. The sketch was taken from a point about the site of the deBury residence south of St. Luke's Church. It dates about the year 1818. Small as were the numbers of the Indians perhaps not more than 500 warriors in all Acadia they were capable of devastating remote settlements and of creating general uneasiness and alarm.

The plunder included a lot of silver ornaments, fuzees and other articles left by the Indians as pledges for their debts. Some of the Indian pledges were valuable. Wm. Hazen says that among the articles that escaped the notice of the privateers-men on this occasion were eight silver arm clasps, two of which he afterwards sold for £4.

At three o'clock on the morning of the 27th, Hazen moved into the stream with his sixty pontoons and eighteen hundred brave and well-equipped men. Smith started enough in advance to be near the river when Hazen should arrive.