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Several coopers were sent from Newburyport by Hazen & Jarvis to manufacture hogsheads for the lime business, one hogshead being considered about as much as a man could make in a day. With the view of securing a more desirable class of employees the company began at this time to take into their service married men with families for whose accommodation they built comfortable log houses.

Six of these guns I turned over with caissons complete; eleven were hauled off the field and appropriated by an officer of high rank General Hazen. I have no disposition to renew the controversy which grew out of this matter.

Six of these guns I turned over with caissons complete; eleven were hauled off the field and appropriated by an officer of high rank General Hazen. I have no disposition to renew the controversy which grew out of this matter.

Suddenly there was an ominous sound in front of Van Cleve's division, which was in the main line next on the right of Palmer. Hazen leaped upon his horse. "Now Van Cleve is in for it!" he exclaimed. "They're coming for him!" Quickly getting the men under arms, Hazen moved his brigade behind Van Cleve to act as a support, and awaited the coming attack.

General Wool, while personally supervising matters on the Columbia River, directed a redistribution to some extent of the troops in the district, and shortly before his return to San Francisco I was ordered with my detachment of dragoons to take station on the Grande Ronde Indian Reservation in Yamhill County, Oregon, about twenty-five miles southwest of Dayton, and to relieve from duty at that point Lieutenant William B. Hazen late brigadier-general and chief signal officer who had established a camp there some time before.

The following is a copy of what is probably the first document extant in connection with the business of Hazen and Simonds: Passamaquada, 26th July, 1763. Sir, Please pay unto Mr. Ebenezer Eaton the sum of Five pounds one shilling & four pence Lawfull money, half cash & half Goods, and place the same to the acct. of, Yr. Humble Servant, Jas. Simonds. To Mr. William Hazen, Merchant in Newbury.

I sat by the stove and watched him and considered. He had not yet finished the letter when we heard Marshey returning. His dragging feet on the stair were unmistakable. At the sound of his weary feet some tide of indignation surged up in me. I was minded to do violence to Hazen Kinch. But a deeper impulse held my hand from the man. Marshey came in and his weary eyes wandered about the room.

General Harney was temporarily assigned to that of the Sioux at the north, and General Hazen to that of the Kiowas, Comanches, Cheyennes, Arapahoes, etc., etc., at the south, but the patronage of the Indian Bureau was too strong for us, and that part of our labor failed.

On being assured of this fact, and that I expected the fort to be carried before night, I received by signal the assurance of General Hazen that he was making his preparations, and would soon attempt the assault. The sun was rapidly declining, and I was dreadfully impatient.

She made occasional voyages from St. John to St. Croix in the West Indies. In the year 1770 she sailed from St. John with a cargo of lime for Newburyport, having on board William Hazen, who had been on one of his periodical business trips to St. John.