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That something a little out of the ordinary had occurred might have been guessed from the expression of guilt on the faces of certainly two and perhaps all three of them, and possibly by the half-embarrassed alacrity with which the young man escorted his companions down the steps.

Such strange ideas have some otherwise sensible people on this subject of hypocrisy! It required a good deal of courage for Flossy to ask her mother, but she accomplished it, and received in reply an astonished stare, a half-embarrassed laugh, and the expression: "What an absurd little fanatic you are getting to be, Flossy! I am sure one wouldn't have looked for it in a child like you! Me?

It makes me love America much more; and if I could tell my people in the old country that all this good has come to me from the church, they could not believe it. Still, it is true. Everything I have to-day has come to me by goodness of Christian people." There were some half-embarrassed "Amens," and more than one hitherto unsuspected cold required considerable attention.

Dazed and bewildered, yet with the instinct of a helpless man, he clung only to that part of Blandford's story which indicated that he had come there for Rosita, and not to separate him from Joan, and even turned to his former friend with a half-embarrassed gesture of apology as he stammered "Then it was YOU who were Rosita's lover, and you who have been here to see her.

The master himself started, and awoke out of a perilous dream of other eyes and hair to collect himself severely. For the irresolute, half-embarrassed, half-lazy figure of a man had halted doubtingly before the porch and open door. Luckily the children, who were facing the master with their backs to the entrance, did not see it. Yet the figure was neither alarming nor unfamiliar.

Wish me success in case I want to join the rebel army," with a half-embarrassed smile. It was not wisdom to confess all one's plans. She put out her right hand. It was the other that had been hurt. "I wish thee success. That means victory and a safe return," she replied with sweet solemnity. They all made so light of the occurrence that a note of apology from Mr. Wharton settled the matter.

The stern, half-embarrassed expression, that he usually wore before the girls relaxed a little at Grace's eager questioning. "I am glad, Miss Carter, to find you take an interest in Washington affairs," he answered. "It is most unusual in a young girl. I wish Harriet cared more about them, but she seems devoted only to society." Mr. Hamlin sighed under his breath.

I can't talk about it; I am ashamed to defend myself." He had not spoken angrily, but in a curiously dogged tone, with awkward emphasis, as if struggling to say what did not come naturally to his lips. Still walking about, and keeping his eyes on the floor, he continued in the same half-embarrassed way: "There's no need for you to defend yourself.

"At least we know that he said he was trying to tell the truth," she went on, "and you just heard what that man said. I don't know why they all laughed." "He didn't seem to mind a bit." "No. Hasn't he a funny half-embarrassed, half-cool manner?" "He wasn't embarrassed after he was fairly speaking. You know he was really fine-looking, when he spoke." "Yes," said Dorothy.

"Do you know, that man somehow reminds me" she hesitated and lowered the glasses to look at her companion with half-amused, half-embarrassed eyes "he reminds me of Lawrence Knight." Kitty's brown, fun-loving eyes glowed with mischief. "Really, Mrs. Manning, I am ashamed of you.