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Updated: August 18, 2024

It was a discovery of no importance in a Highland castle, where, in spite of the proscription of weapons, there might innocently be something so common as a dagger left; but a half-checked cry from the Baron stirred up again all Count Victor's worst suspicions.

I can't help loving him. I can't help eating my heart out for him. That's my punishment." This time the succeeding silence was broken by a half-checked sob. Emmy started round, and beheld Zora crying silently to herself among the sofa cushions. Emmy was amazed. Zora, the magnificent, had broken down, and was weeping like any silly fool of a girl.

The doctor went down on his knees at the pallet's side, and thrust his hand into the breast of the coarse garments with a half-checked groan. "Asleep?" broke from Langley's white lips in a desperate whisper. "Not not" "Dead!" said the doctor "dead for hours!"

He gasped: "Then I am coming up!" Was she aghast at him? he asked himself. He stood half-checked while her steady eyes left his face, roamed from him contrasting, as ashamed he felt, the purity of the still night with the clamour of his turbulent passions and settled on an adjacent flowerbed. At last she spoke, very calmly. "There is a potting-box just there," she said.

The ring is half checked in the direction of its depth, and is introduced without any other support to keep the halves together, than what is afforded by the interior of the stuffing box; and the flange is half checked in the direction of its thickness, so that the bolts which press down the ring by passing through this half-checked part, also keep the segments of the flange together.

Neal began to listen with half-checked smiles, to relish the girl's crisp frankness, and the quick sense of fun that dared to show itself now that she was more at home. 'And how improved she is!

My poor little Valerie!" he spluttered through his half-checked mirth, "does she wait for me still? does she count me still betrothed to her? And because of that, says 'No' to brother Marius! Death of my life! I shall die of it." "I have a notion that you may, monsieur," rasped Garnache's voice, and with it rasped Garnache's chair upon the boards.

Through the film that blinded those expectant eyes, Marion saw what manner of woman she was that drew nigh, and her motherhood went out to her. For, in the love-witchery of Isy's yearning look, humbly seeking acceptance, and in her hesitating approach half-checked by gentle apology, Marion imagined she saw her own Isy coming back from the gates of Death, and sprang to meet her.

"Do not weep any more for the cruel charges against him, my love," she said, with soothing tenderness, as Emmeline's half-checked tears burst forth again as she spoke of the agony she in secret endured, when in her presence his character was traduced. "Your father will now leave no means untried to discover whether indeed they are true or false.

The interest my companion exhibited in the narration might have surprised me had my nocturnal experience itself been less surprising. She interrupted me now and then with little, half-checked ejaculations of acute wonder, but sat for the most part with her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand, her face turned eagerly to mine and her lips parted in half-breathless attention.

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