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"Old Minky's plum 'bug. He's waited to 'unload' till James' gang has got the camp held up three miles out. Wal, I ain't shippin'. Guess I'll trade my dust at a discount. It's a sight easier carryin' United States currency." "But he's guaranteein' delivery at the bank," protested Brand. "That's what it sez, sure," observed White doubtfully.

A council of war was immediately called, and while it was in session Sergeant Corney made a proposition which was like to take away the breath from those who looked upon us of the Minute Boys as mere children, for he said in the tone of one who knows whereof he speaks: "I've been drillin' a force that can do good work in what's before us, if they're given a show, an' I'll answer for half a dozen of 'em, guaranteein' they'll show themselves to be men."

Long before Yasmini promised us before we knelt to save his life and honor Ranjoor Singh had sent a message to his squadron guaranteein' to be with 'em before the blood runs! Specific guarantee, and no conditions!" "Then " "Exactly, sir!" "She fooled us, eh?" "D'you suppose she's for or against the government, sir?" "I don't know. Thank God we've got our marching orders! Go and wash your head!

But he could blab to the riders. Van Sickle's lookin' fer you. An' to-day when I was alone with Joel he told me some more queer things about you. I shut him up quick. But I ain't guaranteein' I can keep him shut up." "I'll bet you I shut him up," declared Slone. "What more did the fool say?"

Skip to it, Scraggsy, an' draw up a new bill, guaranteein' to tow the barge for one dollar. Then gimme back $499.00 an' I'll hand you back this receipted freight bill." Captain Scraggs darted into his cabin, dashed off the necessary document, and returning to the deck, presented it, together with the requisite refund, to Mr. Gibney, who, in the meantime, had come aboard.

"Las Vegas, I've done my best for you hitched you to thet blue-eyed girl the best I know how," he declared. "But I shore ain't guaranteein' nothin'. You'd better build a corral for her." "Why, Roy, you shore don't savvy the way to break these wild ones," drawled Las Vegas. "Bo will be eatin' out of my hand in about a week."

Think of it, fellers, an' pass up your measly cents. It ain't the coin, it's the sperrit we want, an' when I think of all these yer blessin's I'm personal guaranteein' to the flower o' Barnriff's manhood I almost feel as though I wus goin' to turn on the hose pipe like a spanked kid."