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She picked it up and looked at it. It was beautiful in its way, but sent at the florist's discretion, not chosen to suit her gown, and it did not suit it, so that she could not have used it in any case; yet she put it down with a sigh. The next was of yellow roses, violets, and maidenhair fern, very sweet: "With Lord Groome's compliments," she read on the card that was tied to it.

Have you had breakfast? Alexina, go and ask Maggie, if she has recovered herself, to make another cup of coffee." Alexina disappeared, repressing a desire to sing; and young Dwight, receiving permission, seated himself on the grass at Mrs. Groome's feet.

But there was only dismay in Mrs. Groome's eyes as she stared at her repentant daughter. Her heart sank still lower. She had never been a vain woman, but she had prided herself upon not feeling old. Suddenly, she felt very old, and helpless. "Well," she said in a moment. "Well I suppose I have been wrong. There are almost two generations between us. I haven't kept up.

When she emerges from this beatific dream of youth she has almost hugged to death for fear it might escape her, and begins to think " "I'll do her thinking." "All right, dear. You have my best wishes. But keep on the job....I'll clear out; you want to dress " "Wait a moment." He sat down to draw on his socks. "I'm really cut up over Mrs. Groome's death.

Tell him the truth. He will give her a dose of valerian and take her over in a hack at night." "I don't like the idea of Sally coming into contact with such a dreadful side of life " "But if I can save her, mamma?" "Maria is Alexander Groome's wife and she has no influence over him." "Oh, Maria! If he were my husband I'd lead him such a dance that he'd behave himself in self-defence.

Groome's intimate friends and many of Alexina's came to it, some to make kindly inquiries, others to beg them to leave the city, many to gossip and exchange experiences of that fateful morning; a few from Rincon Hill and the old ladies' fashionable boarding-house district to claim shelter until they could make their way to relatives out of town. Mrs.

All Mrs. Groome's spare rooms were placed at the service of her friends, and cots were bought in the humble Fillmore Street shops and put up in the billiard room, the double parlors, the library and the upper hall. Some forty people would sleep under the old Ballinger roof that night dynamite permitting. Mrs.

"And what do you think of what is now called San Francisco society?" she demanded. He was quite aware of Mrs. Groome's attitude. Who in San Francisco was not? It was one of the standing jokes, although few of the younger or newer set had ever heard of her until her naughty little daughter danced upon the scene. "Oh, it is mixed, of course. There are many houses where I do not care to go.

Groome's advisors they were averse to launching any of her moderate fortune on a doubtful venture. But Dwight had insisted that he was more likely to succeed in a business he understood than in one of which he knew nothing, and Mrs. Groome had agreed with him. Judge Lawton and Abbott paid over the insurance money with the worst grace possible.

Groome's wavering spirits. They were all talking gayly when James entered abruptly. He was very pale. "City's doomed, ma'am. Thirty fires broke out simultaneous, and the wind blowing from the southeast. A chimney fell on the fire-chief's bed and he can't live. People runnin' round like their heads was cut off and thousands pouring out of the city over to Oakland and Berkeley.