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It was now about time for a steamer to arrive at San Juan on the Pacific with the California passengers; and the next day, or the second day, perhaps, succeeding the battle at San Jorge, General Walker said to General Sanders, in his quiet, whining way, "General Sanders, I am going to take two hundred and fifty riflemen and the rangers and go down to San Juan to bring up our recruits to Rivas; and if three thousand greasers are on the Transit road, I intend to go through them."

He's layin' in a Greaser hole over here. Likely the Greasers hev been kind to him. But they're shore a poor lot." Madeline did not hesitate a moment. "Thank you, Nels. Take me at once. Come, Florence." They left the car, now surrounded by gaping-eyed Mexican children, and crossed the dusty space to a narrow lane between red adobe walls.

Hickory Sam merely laughed, strode to the door, threw it open, and walked out to the middle of the deserted thoroughfare. "I'm a bad man from Way Back," he yelled at the top of his voice. "I'm the toughest cuss in Coyote county, and no darned greasers from Buller's can close up this town when I'm in it. You hear me! Salt Lick's wide open, and I'm standing in the street to prove it."

"Of course I've heard of you, seen your picture in the papers, and all that, and, though I say it that shouldn't, I want to say that I didn't care a rap about those articles you wrote on Mexico. You're wrong, all wrong. You make the mistake of all Gringos in thinking a Mexican is a white man. He ain't. None of them ain't Greasers, Spiggoties, Latin-Americans and all the rest of the cattle.

An' I happened in at a hall we hev thet does duty fer' jail an' hospital an' election-post an' what not. Wal, just then it was doin' duty as a hospital. Last night was fiesta night these Greasers hev a fiesta every week or so an' one Greaser who hed been bad hurt was layin' in the hall, where he hed been fetched from the station.

This giving up his horse means he's going to join the rebel forces across the border. What wouldn't I give to see that cowboy break loose on a bunch of Greasers! Oh, damn the luck! I beg your pardon, Majesty. But I'm upset, too. I'm sorry about Stewart. I liked him pretty well before he thrashed that coyote of a sheriff, Pat Hawe, and afterward I guess I liked him more.

Four of his greasers packed her down the hill most tore her clothes off, so Roy tells me." "Four greasers!... Shore it was Beasley's deal clean through?" "Yes. Riggs was led. He had an itch for a bad name, you know. But Beasley made the plan. It was Nell they wanted instead of Bo." Abruptly Carmichael stalked off down the darkening path, his silver heel-plates ringing, his spurs jingling.

Meanwhile, Snake and Kid were having their own troubles with the party of Greasers they had been sent off to intercept and prevent from driving off the cattle. More Mexicans had joined their comrades, and Kid and Snake were obliged to beat a retreat, joining Slim and his forces, who were fighting the main, and larger body of rustlers.

I was riding for a Spanish gent that kept white men as a luxury and let the greasers do about all the rough work such as killing off superfluous neighbors, and running brands artistic, and the like. Oh, he was a gay mark, all right. "But about this other deal: I was out riding alone after a little bunch uh hosses, one day in the fall.

And that look now included the Mexican. "Pedro, you're one of Beasley's old hands," said Las Vegas, accusingly. "An' you was one of them four greasers thet " Here the cowboy choked and bit over his words as if they were a material poison. The Mexican showed his guilt and cowardice. He began to jabber.