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Fifty bucks ort to buy a whole lot of car ridin'. An' don't you stop to do no gamblin', neither Ain't I told you it's onrespectable an' divertin' to morals? If you don't sabe coon can no better'n what you do poker, you stand about as much show amongst these here Greasers as a rabbit in a coyote patch.

"Some Greasers must have filled the Kid up on ghosts while he was filling hisself up on mescal. Ghosts? R-a-t-s!" "It shows itself only to Greasers, an' then only on Friday nights," explained Dent, thoughtfully. This was Friday night.

But for mesilf, av ut was all the same to him an' to ye Barbara, I'd be wishin' the danged greasers 'd kape on a shtrikin' so long as ye wud lave me put my fate under yer table." They all laughed at Pat's sentiments, which the other two men endorsed most heartily. Then the surveyor with his two helpers went up town. Stopping at the bank and showing the cashier his message from Mr.

"What do you think of 'Bank Stock? That would attract attention." "I can't say that I like it." "Or 'Greasers?" "Most too vulgar." "So I think myself. Suppose we call it a 'Mummy?" "I'm afraid it wouldn't go. It ought to have 'Imperial, or 'Nectar, or something like that about it." "O, yes, I see your notion. But they've all been used up long ago.

He could have gone caperin' over the brink after her with the bridle off the next second, an' we-alls would still talk well of him. "'As it is, however, this riotous female don't last two months. Which it's also a fact that takin' us that time must have been a heap on. lucky for them Greasers.

At the end of half an hour we found ourselves in possession of two pack-horses and saddles, and a load of provisions. "Look out for hoss thieves," advised McClellan. "These yere Greasers will follow you for days waitin' for a chance to git your stock. Don't picket with rawhide rope or the coyotes are likely to knaw yore animiles loose. Better buy a couple of ha'r ropes from the nearest Mex.

We'll get him yet," and, over my shoulder, I saw him jump one of his loose horses standin' in the yard and come tearin' down the lane, ahead of the befuddled sheriff and posse, his white hair streamin' and the shot-gun wavin' aloft, as though chargin' an army of greasers at the head of his regiment.

What are you doing here?" "I just escaped from four Mexican soldiers, who are hiding in a cave up the ravine." "The greasers we are after!" "Are you after them? They said something about being followed." "Yes, I am after them, and so is your father, who is in command of our party." "Father! Where is he?" "At the top of the ravine in that direction," and Poke Stover pointed it out.

We made the journey out all right without special incident, but after we had got the horses out on the trail, headed north I was possessed with a desire to show off and I thought surprise the staid old greasers on whom we of the northern cattle country looked with contempt.

It looks to me as though they had used that flying machine for a bait to get you out of the way, and that looks to me too clever for greasers. It looks to me as though some one knew what bait you would jump at the quickest, young man. Do some thinking along those lines, will you? The horses are gone; but there might be some slight satisfaction in catching the thieves." "Yes, sir.