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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Gollyation! is we goin' ter collek a nearthquake along wid dat chrisomela-bypunktater plant? And what good's a nearthquake w'en you got him?" This unanswerable question of the darkey's fell flat, for the party just then reached the huge, two-roomed log cabin in which Phineas Roebach made his headquarters.

"What do you mean, Professor?" cried Mark. "It's the earth!" exclaimed Jack Darrow. "It's the earth! We have left the earth is that it, Professor?" The old scientist nodded. Phineas Roebach snorted his disbelief, while Washington White gave vent to his trouble of mind most characteristically: "Goodness gracious gollyation! De fat am suah in de fiah now!

"Hurrah!" shouted the irrepressible Jack. "We're off!" "About nor-norwest is the course, Jack," cried Mark Sampson, likewise inspired by the flight of the Snowbird. As for Washington White, he gazed down to the dusky earth below them and his eyes rolled. "Gollyation!" he muttered. "If Buttsy should fall down dere, he'd suah jounce himself some; wouldn't he?"

Wash landed sprawling upon their shoulders bearing both Aleuts to the ground. The door of the cabin was dashed open and Phineas Roebach ran out and seized the two red men before they could scramble up. The others were streaking it for the woods as fast as they could travel. "Gollyation!" quoth Washington White. "Has dem rapscallawags done harmed de ole perfesser?"

Perhaps the villains, if that is their ship below us, may take us for secret service men." As he spoke the lamp so far below them darted up at a sudden and sharp angle, there sounded the sharp crack of some weapon, and Washington White jumped and screamed. "Gollyation!" he bawled. "Dem fellers is suah tryin' ter punctuate us!"

And then, suddenly, with no warning at all, the field will plunge forward break up, sink, grind itself to powder against these cliffs! And where will we be?" "My goodness gracious gollyation!" cried Washington White. "I wants to git out o' disher right away me an' Buttsy is ready ter go ter onct, an' no mistake!"

Wash, like the others behind him, believed that the Indians were making an attack upon their master, and the first thought of all was that Professor Henderson was with the oil man, and in peril. "Gollyation! Git erway from dat dar door!" bawled Washington. The black man was as timid as a fawn as a usual thing; but he was devoted to the old professor and he had that feeling of gratitude for Mr.

Suddenly he threw up his hands and staggered back from the instrument, turning a pallid face upon his companions. "What done happened yo', Perfesser?" cried Washington White. "What done skeer yo' now? Dis suah am de startlin'est place dat we ebber got into. Gollyation! Ain't dat moon risin', dough?" "It is no moon!" declared the professor. "A most mysterious thing," Mark said.

"Perhaps we may learn something to our advantage by exploring a bit." Washington White followed him very cautiously. Before he came to the turn himself, Jack had rounded it. The next moment the darkey was startled by a yell from Jack. "Fo' de goodness gracious gollyation sakes!" bawled Wash. "What done gone an' disturbed de continuity ob your sagastuations?

"We can follow the wolves," said Andy Sudds, stoutly. "They knew their way out." "That is true, we will hope," Professor Henderson said. "For I must state that I believe our peril is very great." "How so, sir?" Jack queried. "We do not know how soon this glacier may move on." "Another earthquake?" cried Mark. "Oh, gollyation! I suttenly hopes not," wailed Wash. "No.

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