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Later on dress will be one of the main things, of course. But not now. Have you learned the part?" And they began. She saw at the far end of the room a platform about the height of a stage. He explained that Garvey, with the book of the play, would take the other parts in Lola's scenes, and sent them both to the stage. "Don't be nervous," Garvey said to her in an undertone.

Tolley loved every inch of Kirkwood; for her it was the captured dream. Min Tolley, sitting next to her mother, loved Kirkwood, too, because she was going to marry Harry Garvey, who was one of the shift bosses at the plant. Harry sat next to Min. Then came her brother Roosy, ten years old; and then the Hopps Mrs.

Lost Springs was a one-man town, and that man was Gil Garvey. His reputation was not of the best. Dark marks had been chalked up against his record, and his past was shady, too. There were whispers, too, of even worse things. It was, however, a land where nobody asked questions. It was too dangerous. Garvey was accepted in Lost Springs because he had power. It was a hot morning.

For my part I have reason to believe " He stopped and listened. "Hush! here he comes," he added, rubbing his hands together as if in glee and fidgeting in his chair. Steps were heard coming down the passage, and as they approached the door Garvey seemed to give himself completely over to an excitement he could not control.

As Garvey greeted them the tears filled Clélie's eyes and she turned away. But Susan gazed at him steadily; in her eyes there were no tears, but a look that made Garvey choke back sobs and bend his head to hide his expression. What he saw or felt behind her calmness filled him with awe, with a kind of terror.

"I have not seen Garvey for twenty years," he said; "all I can tell you is that I believe him to be occasionally of unsound mind. I have heard strange rumours. He lives alone, and in his lucid intervals studies chemistry. It was always a hobby of his. But the chances are twenty to one against his attempting violence. I only wished to warn you in case I mean, so that you may be on the watch."

If it had been one of his own sisters he would have said: "Oh, well, we have to take the world as we find it. Brace up, little girl; I'll put you safe through, and you'll find it's not so bad, after all." But what he said to Winifred Northrop was: "It is outrageous! Such brutes as Garvey have no business to look at a lady!

"It is almost a wonder to me," Garvey added, "that he is still at large. Unless he has greatly improved it can hardly be safe for those who are closely associated with him." The other began to feel uncomfortable. Either this was the other side of the story, or it was the first signs of mental irresponsibility. "All business matters of importance require the utmost care in my opinion, Mr.

The pencil rolled from the edge of the table across the floor at Strong's movement of attention. "Coakley? what of him?" The man began to laugh, and one or two others joined in. One of them said a little offensively: "Pretty good on you, youngster! You took too big a contract for your age when you undertook to keep up with Judge Garvey. He'll give you odds and take you in, every time."

"Well, if Nelson's not the man, who is?" "Drywig's his name," replied Harte; "you all know one Drywig, don't you?" "Quit your cursed stuff, Harte," said a new speaker, named Garvey; "if you think you can dose him, say so, and if not, let us have no more talk about it."