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Updated: August 4, 2024

sang Tom quaveringly, as he hid his head in a paroxysm of fear. "Well, there ain't no bloomin' gardings to walk in jest now, so come along and be peaceable." "Tom don' want to go to the poor-farm," he wailed piteously. But there was no alternative.

Hannah used to say, "I'd know which each of them gardings belonged to, ef I see 'em in Chiny," and so she might, for the girls' tastes differed as much as their characters. Meg's had roses and heliotrope, myrtle, and a little orange tree in it. Jo's bed was never alike two seasons, for she was always trying experiments.

"Yusser, but it was this way: you said a green 'bus, and I took a green 'bus with 'Bayswater' on it, and I didn't know nothing was wrong, and when it stopped I sez to the conductor, 'This ain't Kensington Gardings; and he sez, 'No, it's Archer Street; and I sez " "Never mind that now; you got to the shop, didn't you?"

Brobson, the chief nurse; "but I don't think as these gardings is anyways equal to the Tooleries nor to Regent's Park even. When I were in Paris with Lady Fitz-Lubin we took the children to the Tooleries or the Bore de Boulong every day but, law me! the Bore de Boulong were a poor place in those days to what it is now." Clarissa took a couple of turns along one of the walks with Mrs.

"I'm blest if I didn mistake her for Hangelina herself yesterday. I met her in the grand Collydore of Bareacres Castle. I sor a lady in a melumcolly hattatude gacing outawinder at the setting sun, which was eluminating the fair parx and gardings of the ancient demean. "'Bewchus Lady Hangelina, says I 'A penny for your Ladyship's thought, says I. "'Ho, Jeames! Ho, Mr.

There warn't nothing for them to 'owl at. There warn't no one near, except some one that was evidently a-callin' a dog somewheres out back of the gardings in the Park road. Once or twice I went out to see that all was right, and it was, and then the 'owling stopped.

O you never did see the likes. ide park is nuffin to it, an as for Kensintn gardings wy to kompair thems rediklis. theres sitch a nice little gal here. shes wun of deer mis mukfersons gals wot the vestenders calls a wafe and sometimes a strai. were all very fond of er spesially tim lumpy. i shuvd im in the river wun dai. my ow e spluterd. but e was non the wus all the better, mister an mistress meryboi aint that a joly naim are as good as gold to us. we as prairs nite and mornin an no end o witls an as appy as kings and kueens a-sitin on there throns. give all our luv to deer father, an etty an baiby an mis mukferson an mister olland an all our deer teechers. sai we'll never forgit wot they told us. your deer sun Bobby."

The moment he opened the door an almost insupportable smell came down a shallow hatchway within, up which leaned a rough step-ladder, movable, and of stout construction. "That smell," said Phoebus, entering, and pulling the door close behind him, "might be wool, or camel, or a moral menagerie from the royal gardings of Europe, but I guess it's Nigger."

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