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Updated: August 23, 2024

Why can't these cats leave people alone?" "Oh, woman, woman!" I threw in helpfully. "Always interfering " "Rotten!" "And backbiting " "Awful!" "I shan't stand it." "I shouldn't!" "Look here! On the next page she calls me a gaby!" "It's time you took a strong line." "And in the very next sentence refers to me as a perfect guffin. What's a guffin, Garny, old boy?" I considered the point.

"It is bound to leak out sooner or later," Susan Fossett was convinced, "so I may as well tell you: that gaby Mary Ramsbotham has got herself engaged." "Nonsense!" was Peter Hope's involuntary ejaculation. "Precisely what I mean to tell her the very next time I see her," added Susan. "Who to?" demanded Tommy.

That gaby, Dirk van Goorl; the furiously indignant but helpless Lysbeth; the solemn, fat-headed fools of Netherlanders at the supper, and the fashion in which he had played his own tune on the whole pack of them as though they were the strings of a fiddle oh! it was delicious. As the reader by this time may have guessed, Montalvo was not the typical Spaniard of romance, and, indeed, of history.

THE YOUNG MAN: "The Last of the Mohicans" is by Cooper. JULIE: What do I care! I like O. Henry. I don't see how he ever wrote those stories. Most of them he wrote in prison. "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" he made up in prison. How much it has meant to me! JULIE: Well, as Gaby Deslys said to Mr. Bergson, with my looks and your brains there's nothing we couldn't do.

Madam Clifton wonnot a budge a finger, to the signin and sealin of her gratification of applause, whereby as if so be as that the kole a be not a forth cummin, down on the nail head. And where now might Timothy Tipkin sifflicate that it may behappen to be for to come from? Pummel thy pumkin, and a tell me that, Peter Grievous. Where, but out of my pouche, Gaby?

Had I known you were such a gaby I should have left you to go to bed alone." "Nay! Sir Marmaduke," here came in decisive accents from portly Mistress Endicott, "methinks 'tis you who misunderstand Master Lambert. He is of a surety an honorable gentleman, and hath no desire to insult me, who have ne'er done him wrong, nor yet my friends by refusing a friendly game of cards in my house!"

But he held me fast, and laughed with all his might. I looked at the other boys and they were laughing, too. Presently, I heard again, "Beautiful Joe, Beautiful Joe." The sound was close by, and yet it did not come from the cabin boy, for he was all doubled up laughing, his face as red as a beet. "It's the parrot, Joe!" cried Ned. "Look at her, you gaby."

"What you are at me with the rest, are you?" she answered. "Why, because he was a gaby, and you're another; and I wouldn't marry either of you to save your lives now then!" "Do you mean to say you would not have me, if I asked you? Pooh! pooh! I know better than that, you know." And again the shrubbery rang with his laughter. "Now, go in, Tom, and let me get out," said Mary.

She did not like Archibald. She said she liked big, manly men. Behind his back she not infrequently referred to him as a 'gaby'; sometimes even as that 'guffin'. She did not do this to Margaret, for Margaret, besides being blue-eyed, was also a shade quick-tempered. Whenever she discussed Archibald, it was with her son Stuyvesant.

"There sits that great gaby making a mess!" she said, scolding as she seized the beer-mug from him, held it under the edge of the table, and with her hand swept the spilt beer into it. Pelle set to work upon the pork without troubling about anything else; but when she had gone out, he carefully spat down between his legs, and went through a small cleansing operation with the sleeve of his blouse.

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