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Updated: August 23, 2024

'Tain't Miss Vancourt, -'tain't no one nor nothink wot I knows on, but I'm blowed if he worn't sittin' under that tree, like a great gaby, a' fastenin' a mis'able threepenny bit to 'is watch-chain! Did anyone ever 'ear the like! A threepenny bit with a 'ole in it! To think of a man like that turnin' to the sup'stitions o' maids an' wearin' a oley bit o' silver!

"Probably he knows his own mind," Paul murmured absently. "Quite probably; but does he know hers?" asked Thessaly. "I always think this so important in London although it may not matter in Paris. Some infatuations are like rare orchids. A certain youth of Cnidus fell in love with a statue of Aphrodite, and my secretary, Caspar, has fallen in love with Gaby Deslys.

And for the sake of that goose, that gaby, that simpleton?" Jean, seeing that he was aiming true, went on: "And how about the day when you tried to pull me round in the Pearl? And all you said in her presence to show off? Why, you are bursting with jealousy!

"Lead him to fiddlestick, Hedzoff," said a female voice. It was Gruffanuff, who had come out in her dressing-gown when she heard the noise. "The King said you were to hang the Prince. Well, hang the Prince." "I don't understand you," says Hedzoff, who was not a very clever man. "You Gaby! he didn't say WHICH Prince," says Gruffanuff. "No; he didn't say which, certainly," said Hedzoff.

I said, a light shining on the darkness of my understanding. "You remember Aunt Elizabeth? The old girl who wrote that letter." "I know. She called you a gaby." "And a guffin." "Yes. I remember thinking her a shrewd and discriminating old lady, with a great gift for character delineation. So you went to touch her?" "That's it. We had to have more money. So I naturally thought of her.

She mimicked Armand's diction so quaintly, imitating his stride, his awkward gesture, and his faulty phraseology with such funny exaggeration that Heron laughed in spite of himself. "So that is a cousin from Orleans, is it?" he asked, throwing his lanky body into an armchair, which creaked dismally under his weight. "Yes! a regular gaby what?" she said archly.

"You see, my dear, that after we had left that gaby, Galgenstein, ha, ha with a gag in his mouth, and twopence-halfpenny in his pocket, the honest Count was in the sorriest plight in the world; owing money here and there to tradesmen, a cool thousand to the Warwickshire Squire: and all this on eighty pounds a year!

Well, what between 'aving been empty for over five weeks, the poor old gaby 'imself looking as gentle as a lamb, and the figure being reasonable, I rather jumped at the idea; and old Gladman, explaining as 'ow 'e wanted the thing settled and done with, got me to sign a letter." "Kept a copy of it?" asked the business-like Clodd. "No. But I can remember what it was. Gladman 'ad it all ready.

It will more likely be clothes. So it is that when I contemplate Gaby Deslys or her sort, it is of Bianca Stella that I think. November 1.

"What was the difference between the marine officer and Mr Phillott that occurred this morning?" "Nothing at all in itself. The marine officer is a bit of a gaby, and takes offence where none is meant. Mr Phillott has a foul tongue; but he has a good heart." "What a pity it is!"

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