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Y-you use your influence with her; g-give her a good talking to; t-tell her what I've told you; and at at the critical moment I'll come in, and then then if we can't manage her between us, it'll be a wonder. The proposition staggered me. 'But, my dear Mr Lindon, I fear that I cannot He cut me short. 'Here she comes!

"I tell ye she does!" cried M'Ginnis, "an' him kissin' an' squeezin' her an' nobody by " "It's a lie, Bud she she wouldn't!" "S'posin' I could show ye? S'pose you see him there waitin' for her " "If if he means any harm t' Hermy, I I'll kill him!" "Aw you wouldn't have the nerve, Kid!" "I'd shoot him dead by God, I would!" "You ain't man enough, Kid." "You g-give me a gun an' see.

I r-ran away to escape him but oh Beverley! he's followed me, he was here a moment ago I heard him, I t-tell you! Oh, Beverley, don't l-look as if you thought me m-mad, I'm not! I'm not! I know it's all an illusion, of c-course, but " "Yes," said Barnabas gently, "but what of Cleone?" "Cleone? Oh, God help me, Beverley, she's going to g-give herself to that devil to buy his silence!"

Chichester's pale face, while Barnabas leaned, twisted in his chair, and Mr. Smivvle busied himself with the oblong box. With shaking hands he took out the duelling-pistols, one by one, and laid them on the table. "We'll g-give him first choice, eh, Dig?" said Barrymaine. "Ah he's chosen, I s-see. Now we'll t-take opposite corners of the room and f-fire when you give the word, eh, Dig?"

"G-give us the barkers, will you quick! Oh, damnation. Dig, y-you know G-Gaunt and his hangman are hard on my heels! Quick, then, and g-get it over and done with d'you hear, D-Dig?" So saying, Barrymaine crossed to the hearth and stood there, warming his hands at the blaze, but, even so, he must needs turn his head so that he could keep his gloating eyes always directed to Chichester's pale face.

Will and I have always been such chums, played and worked and even quarreled together " "Please don't, Gracie," cried Betty, her face flushing and her eyes growing dark and wide. "It would be so easy just to g-give way, but we're in the service, too, you know, and we must be at least as b-brave as the boys."

The doctor had better give you a sedative, and we will talk to-morrow, when you have had a night's sleep." "S-sleep? Oh, I shall s-sleep well enough, Your Eminence, when you g-give your c-consent to the colonel's plan an ounce of l-lead is a s-splendid sedative." "I don't understand you," Montanelli said, turning to him with a startled look. The Gadfly burst out laughing again.

"He he said yesterday as he'd g-give me the sack the next time he saw my eyes red." "Well, I must take 'em their tea myself, I suppose," said Mrs Bowldler, who had a kind heart. "No, Palmerston, your eyes are not fit. But you see how I'm situated?" she appealed to Fancy. "Do you usually let them ring for tea?" Fancy asked. "No, child.

"Sirs," said he, "I shall most certainly kill him, and I call upon you to witness that it was forced upon me." Now as his voice died away, through the open window came a faint sound that might have been wind in the trees, or the drumming of horse-hoofs, soft and faint with distance. "Oh, g-give us the word, D-Dig!" said Barrymaine. "Gentlemen," said Mr.

"I shay, Matt Quintal," returned the other, who was beginning to talk rather thickly, so powerful was the effect of the liquor on his unaccustomed nerves; "I shay, ole feller, you used to sing well once. Come g-give us a stave now." "Bah!" was Quintal's reply, with a look of undisguised contempt. "Jus-so. 'Xactly my opinion about it. Well, as you won't sing, I'll give you a ditty myself."