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But the law must deal with you for playing on the insanity of a kleptomaniac the cleverest scheme yet of the queen of shoplifters." As Kennedy turned nonchalantly from the detectives who had seized Annie Grayson, he drew a little red folder from his pocket. "You see, Walter," he smiled, "how soon one gets into a habit? I'm almost a regular commuter, now.

If we could not identify the reported object as being a balloon, meteor, planet, or one of half a hundred other common things that are sometimes called UFO's, we would mark the folder "Unknown" and file it in a special file. At some later date, when we built up enough of these "Unknown" reports, we'd study them. As long as I was chief of the UFO project, this was our basic rule.

She spent the next morning, while he went to town to buy his ticket, in a thorough overhauling of his clothes. She found linen bags to hold his shoes and a linen folder for his shirts. She pressed his ties and brushed his coats, packed lavender bags in his underwear, and slipped a framed snapshot of herself and Elliston into the bottom of the Gladstone.

She had an artist's pride in the finished work, however much she might dislike the thing in making, and she used to sail down to the press-room as soon as the paper was out, and, picking up the paper from the folder, she would stand reading her page, line upon line, precept upon precept, though every word and syllable was familiar to her.

He was reading some document and without a sign of recognition he kept me standing there, it must have been ten minutes. I noticed that he glanced at me now and then above the top of the paper. Abruptly he told me to have a seat. When I said that I preferred to stand, he nodded and pulling open a drawer took from it a folder that, as subsequent events verified, I suspected to be a report on me.

Thus you may aid the country which you have heretofore disgraced " "And if I refuse, I go to this rehabilitation. Is that right, sir?" "I certainly consider you a fit candidate for rehabilitation. Your record " He shuffled through the papers on his desk. "I choose to volunteer for the project, sir." The judge snorted and pushed all the papers into a folder.

"There may be something wrong," said a man in a military uniform, "otherwise why should the gentleman of the staff hesitate to show his folder?" "Very well," I said, pulling out my folder. The guard glanced at it. "It seems to be all right," he said, addressing the group about the table; "now will you kindly resume your seats and not embarrass these gentlemen with your idle curiosity?"

Presently he took a railway folder out of his bag and examined one of those maps which invariably indicate that the railway which has published the folder owns the only direct route between important points and that all other lines meander aimlessly in comparison. He noted, although he already knew it, that St. Marys, Ontario, was just across the river from St.

This is very important and you should call attention thereto and explain the full dignity and importance of your rank and decorations. "When you call you will first present the card of authorization. You will then present your identification folder and extol the worth and character of your pedigree.

Not a Mentorian assistant, half-trusted, half-tolerated, but one of the crew themselves. If I'm lucky, he reminded himself grimly. There was Lhari, in the black-banded officer's cloak, at the doorway. He glanced at Ringg's papers. "Friend of mine," Ringg said, and Bart proffered his folder. The Lhari gave it a casual glance, handed it back. "Old Baldy on board?" Ringg asked. "Where else?"