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For a moment there was silence, broken only by the flames of the fire, which spluttered and flared and made soft, whispering sounds, while on the window-panes the snow, now turning into sleet, tapped as if with tiny fingers, and my heart began to beat queerly. I did not know how to ask him what I wanted to ask.

It opened, stood open for a moment, and then closed with a slam. As it did so, the candle Mrs. Bunting was carrying from the study flickered and flared. It was a minute or more before they entered the kitchen. The place was empty. They refastened the back door, examined the kitchen, pantry, and scullery thoroughly, and at last went down into the cellar.

At this point Claudius flared up, and expressed his wrath with as big a growl as he could manage. He had ordered her head to be chopped off. For all the notice the others took of him, they might have been his own freedmen. Then Hercules said, "You just listen to me, and 7 stop playing the fool.

The lights in the car flared up, blinding white, but the two men on the step did not stir. The conductor sat with his arms folded on his knees, his head on his arms. The motorman leaned against the end of the car. When the music finally died, after one long, ringing, exultant shout, no one moved for a time. Then the motorman stood up, drawing on his glove.

When they flared, hers fairly challenged the laws of equilibrium. She danced with the same facility with which she rode, swam, and played tennis. In doing these things supremely well she felt that she vindicated the position of the woman of letters. Why should one be a frump because one wrote?

The indignation which always awoke in Anne at the sight and expression of injustice flared suddenly upwards. Facing the still satisfied woman, who now drew a chair across the flagged floor with the screech of its wooden legs upon the stone, she said: "How can you, a strong, active woman, take pleasure in worrying a sick and ailing fellow-creature. Suppose you were in her place.

"Yes, everybody does seem to feel that way. But I'm afraid I found them terribly nice," flared Claire. "I always say that common people can be most agreeable," Mrs. Corey patronized. Before Claire could kill her there wasn't any homicidal weapon in sight except a silver tea-strainer Mrs.

What a pity he should be deaf! It made it so awfully embarrassing to talk to him sometimes. It must be dreadful for them to be in love with anybody. Imagine having to talk in that way to a deaf person! or being This time it was the candle which took upon itself the task of warning and censorship. It flickered, flared, gasped, and went out.

"God's will be done!" replied the fisherman; "then their time was come but He who destroys, can save if He pleases; I'll not put out the fire while there's a fagot left, for you know, Mr Forster, that if anyone should by a miracle be thrown into the smooth water on this side of the point, he might be saved; that is, if he swam well:" and Robertson threw on more fagots, which soon flared up with a brilliant light.

Gilbert, who remembered her Roy, replied severely, "At least you ought to have known your own mind before this." "He is mean," Milly flared. "And you are rather extravagant, I'm afraid, my dear!" That relation ended there, at least its pleasant intimacy. And so it went from house to house, especially among the settled married folk, who regarded Milly as inconceivably foolish and silly.