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'Mind you stand on the top of the desk, Ruskin; gentlemen-commoners never stand on the steps. I asked him whether it would look more dignified to stand head or heels uppermost. He advised heels. Then met Desart. 'We must have a grand supper after this, Ruskin; gentlemen-commoners always have a flare-up after reading their themes. I told him I supposed he wanted to 'pison my rum-and-water."

Jill nodded as she busied herself in plaiting her hair into great ropes. "And you've run away escaped, you say?" Jill nodded again. "Yes!" she said, with three big tortoiseshell combs between her teeth. "We had a frightful flare-up all the fault of my tearing temper. You see I've been absolutely spoilt these last months, and I simply behaved anyhow the first time I got scolded.

Wouldn't there be a flare-up! What would the Ponsonbys do? Polite letter to papa announcing that my education was complete! That's what they did when Julia Jackson got in a mess. They couldn't have a scandal: so her education was complete, and home she went. Now the first time we are out for a walk and he passes us and bows, you watch."

"That there Noogate Calendar made a rare flare-up, didn't it, gov'nor?" continued Love, looking wistfully towards the grate, if perchance any stray leaves should have escaped the conflagration. "Not such a flare-up as you did," said Reginald, laughing. "Never mind, we'll try and get something nicer to read." "No fear! Never no more.

"I beg your pardon, sir, I'm sure," I stammered out, trying to pull myself together as I released his arm. "But but did you did you see her, sir?" "See that ship just now? Yes, of course I did. I suppose she sighted us lying here like a log and wanted us to report her or something, though why they lit that flare-up over her stern I am sure I can't imagine.

The whole flare-up started from the merest trifle. A teacher, a detestable person of clerical associations, hands to Vostryakov a petition against a tavern-keeper, charging him with insulting language and behaviour in a public place. Everything showed that both the teacher and the tavern-keeper were drunk as cobblers, and that they behaved equally badly.

George Rogers Clark forthwith led a retaliatory expedition against the Miami towns, taking prisoners, recapturing whites, and destroying British trading establishments; and with this final flare-up the Revolution came to an end in the Northwest. The soldier had won the back country for the new nation. Could the diplomat hold it?

We had seen the diggings, and got a good notion of what the whole thing was like; sold the horses and got the money, that was the principal thing. Nothing for it now but to get back to the Hollow. Something would be sure to be said about the horses being sold, and when it came out that they were not Muldoon's there would be a great flare-up. Still they could not prove that the horses were stolen.

For, just a day or two before, she had seen a quick flare-up of incredulity light Tilly's face, and oddly enough this had happened when she tried her audience with a fact, a simple little fact, an incident that had really occurred. She had killed the doubt, instantly, by smothering it with a fiction; but she could not forget that it had existed.

"The mate told me to stamp on the port side when I wanted you; but I didn't remember at the moment." "You should remember," the captain uttered with an effort. Then added mumbling "I don't want Mrs. Anthony frightened. Don't you see? . . ." "She wasn't this time," Powell said innocently: "She lighted the flare-up for me, sir." "This time," Captain Anthony exclaimed and turned round. "Mrs.