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But if he'd caught that freighter he'd took him by the heels and swung him like you'd knock a rabbit's brains out agin a post. "He went over the country with a fine-tooth comb, hopin' to git you back. A couple of times he almost closed in on 'em, but they managed to give him the slip and headed north while mostly he hunted south and west. "You was well growed before I run into 'em.

Here in the mountains, every man's hand is against them." "Why is it agin them? We ain't all blockaders; yet you can search these mountains through with a fine-tooth comb and you wunt find ary critter as has a good word to say for the revenue. The reason is 't we know them men from 'way back; we know whut they uster do afore they jined the sarvice, and why they did it.

No fault found, either, nor could be, not if anybody was looking for it with a fine-tooth comb. Meanness, that's what I say. Nothing but meanness.... And us needing that fifteen dollars a week to keep the breath of life in us." "Don't worry about that, mother," Ruth said, quickly. "There are plenty of places " "Who fired you?" interrupted Dulac, his black eyes glowing angrily. "That young cub?"

During all of June the news had been dead, and now July had begun with a bang! With time to think and investigate, the airport officials went over the ship with the Air Guard, using a fine-tooth comb. It was soon evident that the job had been done from the outside, as the Pirate had said.

Where the dandruff is very troublesome, this treatment may be given once or twice a week; but in mild cases once a month is sufficient. Massage of the scalp, by increasing the circulation at the hair roots, is beneficial, but irritation by a fine-tooth comb, a stiff hair brush, or by other means should be avoided.

If one considers the range of instruction from the Volkschulen and Fortbildungsschulen up through the skeleton list I have mentioned to the universities, and then on beyond that to the thousands still engaged as students in the commerce and industry of Germany, as, for example, the technically employed men in the Krupp Works at Essen, or the Color Works at Elberfeld, to mention two of hundreds, it is seen that Germany is gone over with a veritable fine-tooth comb of education.

"There's a hundred square miles over there that I reckon there never was a white man's foot on, and they say that the West has been went over with a fine-tooth comb. Wouldn't it make you laugh?" Mr. Sprudell looked far from laughter as, by placing a foot directly in front of the other, he advanced a few inches at a time until he reached the side of his guide.

She assumes a crushing dignity and goes on serenely practicing with her fine-tooth comb and quoting poetry just the same as if you were not present at all. Some people can not stand prosperity.

Indeed, they had been practically barren, for they had told me little more than Courtney's cablegram. Edwards, the witness named in the certificate, had not been located, though New York had been scraped as with a fine-tooth comb; so, it was safe to assume his existence was only on paper and in Alderman McGuire's brain.

At last she too knew what it was to be struck to earth, to lie prone with one's face in the dust, the jeers of the world ringing in her ears. Of a truth, to quote Dick's words, "Had the devil raked hell with a fine-tooth comb, he could not have produced a more accomplished villain than Don Felipe Ramirez."