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Miss Underwood looked quickly at him, then looked quickly away. She knew what they would do. So did Davis. "No, that's not the point. We must find him just as soon as we can. Stir this whole town up and rake it with a fine-tooth comb. See if any of Miss Valdés' peons are in town. If they are have them shadowed." They separated presently, she to go to the State House, he to return to the El Tovar.

She assumes a crushing dignity and goes on serenely practicing with her fine-tooth comb and quoting poetry just the same as if you were not present at all. Some people can not stand prosperity.

No animal of speed and endurance escaped the fine-tooth comb that had raked the creeks and camps, and the prices of dogs had doubled and quadrupled in the course of the frantic speculation. Number Three Below Discovery was ten miles up Mono Creek from its mouth. The remaining hundred miles was to be run on the frozen breast of the Yukon.

General Hood, on the 24th, promptly consented, and I telegraphed to my friend Mr. James E. Yeatman, Vice-President of the Sanitary Commission at St. Louis, to send us all the under-clothing and soap he could spare, specifying twelve hundred fine-tooth combs, and four hundred pairs of shears to cut hair. These articles indicate the plague that most afflicted our prisoners at Andersonville. Mr.

"Their maidservant and their manservant, dad?" says Bonnie Bell. "You heard me!" "What's their maidservant or their manservant got to do with it, dad?" ast she. She was setting on the lounge now, with the fine-tooth comb in her hand. "He'd better not have nothing to do with it," said Old Man Wright. "Curly, you're foreman see to it that not one of them crosses the line."

In the flicker of the lanterns the men looked pityingly at DeWitt's haggard face. "Say," said a tall, lank cowman, "if you'll go in and sleep till daylight, usn'll scour this part of the desert with a fine-tooth comb. So you all won't lose a minute by taking a little rest. An' if we find the Injun we'll string him up and save you the trouble." DeWitt spoke for the first time.

By the time we reach the Geysers it is questionable if we'll have as much as a fine-tooth comb left!" "Then," said I, "you can travel. Sell a dozen of your horses on the way, and you'll be rid of another trouble!" "Sell them; they wouldn't bring a farthing. They're not worth a groat." "Then turn them loose."

The launch in which the young prince had been seen had been traced up the river to the vicinity of Cumberland, but there the trail had ended. "It is a case of needle-in-the-haystack," the Secret Service chief had said to Ned, on the morning of his departure for the mountains. "We have men looking over every inch of the large cities. We want you to rake those mountains with a fine-tooth comb!

"I was going on to tell you," continued the Captain, "that there are several kinds of Pediculi we don't say Pediculuses. There is the Pediculus Capitis Latin again but it means the kind that lives on the head. I presume when you were a little shaver your mother now and then harrowed your head with a fine-tooth comb?"

Archer, who went over his books with a fine-tooth comb, and praised him for his accomplishment. "But it only goes to show how the best intentions in the world can get all twisted up," said Mr. Archer, gravely.