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Updated: January 21, 2025

At these depths caverns probably exist." "That such cavities exist is more than probable. On page 405 I have indicated my belief, that all geysers are originally due to a violent outburst of steam and water, and under such conditions, irregular cavities and passages are more likely to be formed than regular tubes."

A Delightful Rhapsody Early History of Yellowstone Park A Fish Story which Convulsed Congress The First White Man to Visit the Park A Race for Life Philosophy of the Hot Springs Mount Everts From the Geysers to Elk Park Some Old Friends and New Ones Yellowstone Lake The Angler's Paradise. Yellowstone Park is generally included in the list of the wonders of the world.

The scene of the last is about one hundred miles north-east of the old volcanic region of Afshar, remarkable for its remains of vast 'cinter' cones, formed by the flowing geysers of long, long ago, and which were shattered and scattered by some mighty explosion, when the great geysers boiled up and burst their walls.

Bunsen's theory comes nearest to it, and in the simplest kinds of geysers is a sufficient explanation. The variations and modifications in the geyser tubes and subterranean water passages must undoubtedly be important factors entering into any complete explanation of geyser action.

Our Geysers are the finest, the bitterest, the smokiest, the noisiest, the most infernal in the world; and as for mountains, our Shasta Bute would knock your Mount Hecla into a cocked hat!" "Is it possible!" "Of course it is." "And have you great lava-beds covering whole valleys as we have here?" "Certainly only they are made of gold. We call them Placers Gold Placers."

The Yellowstone Park is at the southern extremity of a great system of mountain ranges, the northern Rocky Mountains, sometimes called the Geyser Ranges. This geological province extends into British America, but its most wonderful scenery is in the upper Yellowstone basin, where geysers bombard the heavens with vapor distilled in subterranean depths.

Henderson, Sir George Mackenzie, Forbes, Metcalfe, and Lord Dufferin, the height to which the water is ejected varies from eighty to two hundred feet. It is stated that these Geysers did not exist prior to the fifteenth century; and one eruption that of 1772 is estimated by Olsen and Paulsen to have reached the extraordinary height of three hundred and sixty feet.

Traversing the huge crater, four miles in diameter, the surface devoid of all vegetation, seamed and cracked, and in places steam issuing from great fissures, we suddenly arrived at the brink of the famous pit, and what an astonishing sight met our gaze! Flames and yet not flames. Now and then geysers of fire would burst through the surface, shoot into the air and fall back again.

A sickly breeze, filled with the odors of a strange world, hardly rippled the languid sea. On the right, beyond a heat mist through which flying fish were darting, loomed a new coastline. Yellow beaches appeared, interrupted by lagoons where the slow waves abruptly spouted high into the air white geysers against somber forests and jungles.

Do we not use more emphatic words than these in our self-depreciation? I cannot say how it is with others, but my vocabulary of self-reproach and humiliation is so rich in energetic expressions that I should be sorry to have an interviewer present at an outburst of one of its raging geysers, its savage soliloquies.

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