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Updated: August 9, 2024

I goes over it like a fine-tooth comb an' rides James to a show-down. That bronco never is so long onder the saddle since he's foaled; I don't reckon he knows before thar's so much hard work in the world as falls to him when we goes ransackin' in quest of Tom an' Jerry. "It's no use; the ground is hard an' dry an' I can't even see their hoof-marks.

"And the scoundrel never got it! Here, Colonel, give me the letter. I'll go through this town like a fine-tooth comb but what I'll find him. He will never escape me. My name is Yancey, suh!" The judge was more conservative. He had grave doubts as to whether a second challenge, after a delay of two days and two nights, could be sent at all.

You believe I know something that I haven't tole; but I swear I done give up everything to Mars Alfred; and if my heart was turned inside out, and scraped with a fine-tooth comb, it wouldn't be no cleaner than what it is.

I noticed that most of the men in this camp had their hair cut close to their heads, the style that at home is profanely called "a Reilly cut." This I ascertained was not for personal adornment, but for convenience in hunting, where fine-tooth combs are unknown, but could be put to good use.

I wasn't scared so much by that as by what I feared he might say, for I knew they couldn't get another if they raked the universe with a fine-tooth comb, and sure enough, he was carried away by his enthusiasm and offered to bet our entire bank roll that the snake was a genuine 'American flag', such as had never been exhibited in any country.

'You got him hidden away somewheres, Sam, said Mr MacGinnis. 'You can't fool me. I'm com' t'roo dis joint wit a fine-tooth comb till I find him. 'By all means, I said. 'Don't let me stop you. 'You? You're coming wit me. 'If you wish it. I shall be delighted. 'An' cut out dat dam' sissy way of talking, you rummy, bellowed Buck, with a sudden lapse into ferocity. 'Spiel like a regular guy!

Bimeby, when I've collected enough of the debt I spoke of, I'll shake the dust and disappear." "They'll find you and bring you back." "Not without a fine-tooth comb, they won't. This old world is plenty good and wide when you learn how to use it." "I suppose I haven't learned yet; and I don't want to learn in your way, Kellow." Again he gave me the sneering laugh.

Having taken these steps in the hope of starving Nepcote into surrender if he was not caught in the meantime, Merrington next directed the resources at his command to putting London through a fine-tooth comb, as he expressed it, in the effort to get hold of his man. But it was to chance that he owed his first indication of Nepcote's movements since his disappearance.

"Here's a 'housewife' I've made for you with my own hands," added Annabel, who was some other fellow's sister. She handed him a neatly-stitched little cloth affair. "You see, it has needles, thread, buttons, scissors, a fine-tooth comb, and several other things that you'll need very badly after you've been in camp awhile.

"This is the worst luck yet," observed the doctor's son, with something like a groan. "Supposing we can't get our boat and outfit back " "Oh, we've got to get 'em back!" burst out Whopper. "We'll do it if we have to scrape the lake with a fine-tooth comb." "I wish it was morning -we can't see much in the dark, even with the torches," said Shep.

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