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Hand, in charge of the white motor-car, with Madame Reynier, Chamberlain, Agatha and Jimmy, were to start for New York, touring as long as their inclination lasted. The sophisticated Lizzie was to travel to what was, for her, the center of the universe, by the fastest Pullman. Jimmy and Chamberlain, on the way home from their visit to the Sea Gull, came very near being confidential.

And in the same days, Zweibruck and his Reichs Army are vigorously afoot; Zweibruck pushing across the Metal Mountains, the fastest he can; intending to plant himself in Pirna Country.

A striking feature of almost all the palaces, and one that differentiates this Exposition from its great predecessors of a decade or more ago, is the common use of the moving-picture machine as the fastest and most vivid method of displaying human activities and scenery. Everywhere it is showing industrial processes.

The Spanish flag was already flying from the peak. The three craft were about two miles away. "How are they sailing, Mr. Crofts?" "I fancy the xebec is the fastest, sir. She was astern just now, and she is abreast of the polacre now, as near as I can make out. The ship, or brig whichever it is seems to me to be dropping astern." "Heave away at the anchor, Joe.

"Koku kin run de fastest oh any oh us," put in Eradicate. "Let him go." "Hold on wait a minute!" exclaimed Tom. "We want to know who that man is and why we're going to chase after him. Koku, I guess it's up to you. Something has been going on here that I don't know anything about. Explain!" "Well, it's no use to chase after him now," said Ned. "There he goes on his motor-cycle."

Catherine stood musing for a while, and at last said to her husband, 'Hark ye, Frederick, we will soon get the gold back: let us run after the thieves. 'Well, we will try, answered he; 'but take some butter and cheese with you, that we may have something to eat by the way. 'Very well, said she; and they set out: and as Frederick walked the fastest, he left his wife some way behind.

My reindeer had started with the rest and was ahead of them all, but soon the Lapps overtook me. We went on at a tremendous rate. These were indeed the fastest reindeer I had ever travelled with. It was a good thing that I had learned how to balance myself in those little Lapp sleighs. I did not mind any more their swinging to and fro. I rather liked the excitement. And it was exciting enough!

It is a remarkable but well recognised fact that bitches are faster than dogs, and in consequence the terms upon which they are handicapped are varied. The general custom is to allow a dog 2-1/2 to 3 yards advantage for every pound difference in weight between it and the gentle sex. One of the fastest dogs that ever ran was Collier Lad, but he was almost a Greyhound as regards size.

Captain Mitchell's horse was more on the pony order than a racer, but it was said by those who knew that on more occasions than one the pony had thrown dirt into the eyes of the fastest horse in the Crescent City, and the Louisianans were betting on him to a man. The wiry sorrel was equally a favorite with the Virginians, while the South Carolinians were divided between the two.

One result was that, within three days of the arrival of the puppies, Desdemona was doing a certain amount of hunting on her own account, especially in the seasons of twilight, both morning and evening. In her movements she was, of course, infinitely slower than her wolfhound mate. He could easily have run circles round her when she was traveling at her fastest.