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Updated: August 24, 2024

He who fed the famishin' would bid ye eat noo. But wait a bit till ye see what I'll bring ye." In a moment he was back with a dainty basket of Triomphe de Gand strawberries, and Edith uttered an exclamation of delight as she inhaled their delicious aroma. "They are the first ripe the season, an' noo see what the gudewife will do with them."

I knew if he was I'd go down to my grave with something comin' to me because I'd never found jest that identical cake I'd been famishin' fur. "When I got up front of the window, you can believe it or not, but that Chink was jest settin' down another like it. Now you know how that Monte Cristo carried on after he'd proved up. Well, I got into his class, all right.

It really does beat all; but I forget that, while I am moralizin' like on the flight of time, you must be famishin' with hunger, to say nothin' of your bein' tired most to death with your long ride in the cars; give me a seat in my wagon behind old Dobbin, with a good whip in my hand, and those who like the cars better may have them for all me.

"Come, Prue," said the Ancient, bustling forward, "table's ready let's sit down an' eat faintin' an' famishin' away, I be!" So we presently sat down, all three of us, while Prudence carved and supplied our wants, as only Prudence could.

They're settling into the trees for the night, and it should be easy to get a couple. Just now I think turkey would be the finest thing in the world." "I've a mighty strong hankerin' after turkey myself an' the way I kin cook turkey is a caution to sinners. Ever since you said turkeys a half minute ago, Henry, I'm famishin'. Bring on your turkey, the cook's ready."

But he encouraged me some by sayin': "Wall, I could have told you jest how it would be," and, "You would have done better, Samantha, to have been to home a cookin' for your own famishin' family." And several more jest such inspirin' remarks as men will give to the females of their families when they are engaged in charitable enterprises.

Come, what of it?" "You must wait till dinner time." "Which is when a man's hungry or should be. Come, lass, famishin' an' faintin' away we be!" Laughing, Diana rose and crossed the glade to where, screened among leafy thickets, stood cart and tent. "Now as regards paying me wages, Jerry," I began, then stopped and caught my breath suddenly, for Diana was singing.

I'm fair famishin'. And, beggin' pardon, but you don't look none too healthy yourself this evening, guv'ner. Ain't et summink wot's disagreed with you, have you, sir?" "I? What nonsense! I'm as fit as a fiddle. What could make you think otherwise?"

I'm fair famishin'. And, beggin' pardon, but you don't look none too healthy yourself this evening, Gov'nor. Ain't et summink wot's disagreed with you, have you, sir?" "I? What nonsense! I'm as fit as a fiddle. What could make you think otherwise?"

Forbye, he was seeck, seeck unto death, and I saw mair in his een than I likit to think. "Come in-by and get some meat, man," I said. "Ye're famishin' wi' cauld and hunger." "I canna eat," he says, and his voice never changed. "It's lang since I had a bite, for I'm no hungry. But I'm awfu' thirsty. I cam here yestreen, and I can get nae water to drink like the water in the hills.

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