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Falk received the cook's interruption with an ill temper that made the darkey's eyes roll with joy. "Whar you git dat bootiful head-piece?" A flush darkened Falk's pale face under the bandage, and with what dignity he could muster, he ignored our snickers. "What do you say?" he cried to Roger. "Evidently you haven't found the money yet." To us Roger said in an undertone, "Hold your fire."

He looked across the room at him with a queer defiant glance, something like Falk's own. Once it seemed that he had made up his mind to come over and speak to him. He half rose in his seat, then sank back again. But his eyes came round again and again to the corner where Falk was sitting. The Cathedral chimes had whispered twice in the room before Annie returned.

The Diana in mid-stream waltzed round with as much grace as an old barn, and flew after her ravisher. Through the ragged fog of smoke driving headlong upon the water I had a glimpse of Falk's square motionless shoulders under a white hat as big as a cart-wheel, of his red face, his yellow staring eyes, his great beard.

As he lay back in the deep arm-chair, smoking an old and familiar briar, his chubby face was deeply contented. His eyes were almost closed; he was the very symbol of satisfied happy and kind-hearted prosperity. He was really touched by young Falk's approach towards friendship.

I heard what I supposed to be his pistol replying smartly to the fire from Falk's party, and wondered where in that scene of violence he had got powder and an opportunity to load. But for the most part I was rolling and struggling on the slippery deck.

Nevertheless, like certain other very trivial happenings aboard the Island Princess, Captain Falk's unwarrantable insult to Davie Paine it seems incongruous to call him "mister" was to play its part later in events that as yet were only gathering way.

Then, when she saw that this was of no avail, she had concentrated herself upon her children, and especially upon Falk. For a while she had fancied that she was satisfied. Suddenly and the discovery was awful she was aware that Falk's affection all turned towards his father rather than towards her. Her son despised her and disregarded her as his father had done.

Some of Falk's jokes were so good that his father, who had a real sense of fun if only a slight sense of humour, was bound to laugh. Very soon father and son resumed their old relations of sudden tempers and mutual admiration, and a strange, rather pathetic, quite uneloquent love that was none the less real because it was, on either side, completely selfish.

I thought of my parents, of my sister and Roger, of all the old far-away life of Salem; I must have stood dreaming thus a long time when my eyes fell on Nathan Falk's blue coat, which he had thrown carelessly on the cabin table and had left there, and with a burst of anger I came back to affairs of the moment. "They've got it away, Benny," said Roger, soberly.

And, of course, behind all this immediate situation was his sense of the pleasure and satisfaction that Ronder must be feeling about Falk's scandal. Licking his thick red lips about it, he must be, watching with his little fat eyes for the moment when, with his round fat fingers, he might probe that wound.