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A negro whom he had noticed near the place more than once during the previous day or two had attacked him suddenly in his rooms, dealing him two savage blows with a chopper. The first he had caught on his wrist, which was seriously damaged, as well as excruciatingly painful, but the second had taken effect on his head.

Knowing him so intimately, and really believing that he was in love with me although, of course, the minute he became engaged to Hazel Gresham I didn't even flirt with him any more not the least little tiny harmless bit well, I find it excruciatingly hard to believe that he is dead!" "He is quite. We're trying to discover who killed him." "I know it. That's what I came to see you about."

The journey uptown was most excruciatingly long, in spite of the fact that he had met no one he knew either at the office or outside. At last he arrived home, to find Constance waiting anxiously. "Did you get a check?" she asked, hardly waiting for his reply. "Let me see it. Give it to me." The coolness with which she went about it amazed him.

Antithesis to the tragedy was Audemars on his Demoiselle, which was named 'The Infuriated Grasshopper. Concerning this, it was recorded at the time that 'Nothing so excruciatingly funny as the action of this machine has ever been seen at any aviation ground.

How in Heaven's name was he going to manage her? She looked very ill and must of course be delirious. That would have been alarming in any case, and this particular form of delirium was excruciatingly painful. "Yes, my husband where is he? I shall tell him how you've dared to insult me. I must go. This is your house I must leave it at once." Goring did not attempt to come near her.

There were pretty pictures on the walls, and on a commodious dressing-table a big mirror and large hand-glasses, with their faces to the wall at present. Hairpins, fancy combs, ribbons galore, and a pretty work-basket greeted my sight, and with delight I swooped down upon the most excruciatingly lovely little writing-desk.

Even at the start, I was more realistic than she. In several minutes I was astonishing myself. I saw one lad, after reeling half a dozen steps, pause at the side of the road, gravely peer into the ditch, and gravely, and after apparent deep thought, fall into it. To me this was excruciatingly funny. I staggered to the edge of the ditch, fully intending to stop on the edge.

Instead, it was saying to God: "Lord of the Universe, you have been good to me so far. I went out of that grocery-store in the hope of coming upon some good piece of luck and my hope was realized. Be good to me in the future as well. I shall be more pious than ever, I promise you, even if America is a godless country." I was excruciatingly homesick. My heart went out to my poor dead mother.

It must have been excruciatingly funny. I don't say it wasn't sad and serious as well. But it was funny too; there were points." Michael shook his head. "I didn't see them," he said. "But I should have, and I should have been right. All dignity is funny, simply because it is sham. When dignity is real, you don't know it's dignity.

One girl Sally Black tripped forward in a most affected style, gave Janice a "high handshake," saying "How-do! chawmed ter meet yuh, doncher know!" and the other girls went off into gales of laughter as though Sally was really excruciatingly funny. Janice was hurt, but she tried not to show it.