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Updated: August 18, 2024

Governor Balloon was nothing less than a father to the poor Indians. But Balloon is not alone, we have many truly noble statesmen in our country's service like Balloon. The Senate is full of them. Don't you think so Colonel?" "Well, I dunno. I honor my country's public servants as much as any one can.

Yes. And jokin' aside, which often means the contrary in my crooked ways o' talkin', a'n't it about time somethin' was done?" "What can be done?" "I dunno," said Miss Lavender, gravely. "You know as well as I do what's in the way, or rather none of us knows what it is, only where it is; and a thing unbeknown may be big or little; who can tell?

A slatternly woman was trying to soothe a little boy, who at all her attempts only writhed and shrieked the more. "I dunno what ails the young one," she said. "I found him a moment ago yellin' at the foot of a tree. Suthin's the matter with his leg."

'You got to wait for things to grow. Lucy's dretful pious." She passed her brown hands over the violet heads, as gently as a breeze, caressing but not bending them. "I dunno 's ever I see so many vi'lets afore." "Like 'em, aunt Het?" he asked her kindly. "I guess I do!" but as she spoke, her eyes widened in awe and wonder. "My Lord!" she breathed. "They're flowers." The boy laughed.

Again they fell to sausage-rolls, boiled eggs, and saveloys, and countless bottles of beer were added to those already drunk. 'I dunno 'ow many bottles of beer I've drunk I've lost count, said Liza; whereat there was a general laugh. They still had an hour before the brake was to start back, and it was then the concertinas came in useful.

"What's the matter with you now, Wash?" shouted Mark, for they all wore ear-tabs and had to shout to make one another hear. "Oh, lawsy-massy on us!" groaned Wash. "I'se got sech a misery, Massa Mark, I dunno but ma time has camed." "What time has come?" demanded Mark, without much sympathy. "It'll be time for you to hustle and get us something to eat before long."

"Didn't know she had any money," I observed timidly. "Sure to have," said my brother, with confidence. "Heaps and heaps." "Bobby Ferris told me," began Edward in due course, "that there was a fellow spooning his sister once " "What's spooning?" I asked meekly. "Oh, I dunno," said Edward, indifferently. "It's it's it's just a thing they do, you know.

No one else would walk up the hill instead of riding in the empty wagon. The descent now becoming easier Ben whipped up his horse, and they soon jolted past Peter and his team. "There's been a sight o' deaths lately in the village," he resumed cheerfully, having once broken the silence. "I dunno as I can ever call to mind so many. The bell's forever agoin'. It's downright mournful."

The oiling of the gun was not all. Something at the back of his mind was more significant than this act of his hands, and this something, the look said, she also knew. All through the moment of her gazing down at him Tira was telling herself she must not speak. Yet she spoke: "You goin' gunnin'?" "I dunno but I be," he returned, his eyes again on his work.

But in winter they're always ready if a ship comes on the bar." "Your crew has done good service in saving life, I hear, Jacob?" said one of the strangers. "Well, I dunno. We're generally the first called on by the wracking-master. Sure of the best pay.

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