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All these Indians have a gift of oratory and dote to speak at length, with firm voice and great gestures. Now we set Diego Colon to his narration. We of Castile had so much of the tongue by now that we could in some wise follow. Forth it poured! We were gods come from heaven. Yonder stood the chief god that the others obeyed. He was very great, strong, good, wise, kind, giving beautiful gifts!

A jews-harp's plenty good enough for a rat. All animals like music in a prison they dote on it. Specially, painful music; and you can't get no other kind out of a jews-harp. It always interests them; they come out to see what's the matter with you. Yes, you're all right; you're fixed very well.

So it was with Castanier. He had begun by installing Aquiline is a modest fourth-floor dwelling, the furniture being of the simplest kind. But when he saw the girl's beauty and great qualities, when he had known inexpressible and unlooked-for happiness with her, he began to dote upon her; and longed to adorn his idol.

"You and I know, dear Queen," Katie confided to the member of her sex lying at her feet, "that men are not at all difficult. You can get them to swallow most anything if the girl in the case is beautiful enough. And feminine enough! Masculine dotes on discovering feminine but have you ever noticed what the rest of the feminine dote on doing to that discovery?

Once more I had an author for whom I could feel a personal devotion, whom I could dream of and dote upon, and whom I could offer my intimacy in many an impassioned revery.

A body lives in Paris, but a body, only stays here. I dote on Paris; I'd druther scrimp along on ten thousand dollars a year there, than suffer and worry here on a real decent income." Miss Gashly "Well then, I wish you'd take us back, mother; I'm sure I hate this stoopid country enough, even if it is our dear native land." Miss Gashly "Sister, I should think you'd be ashamed of yourself!"

It was given out, of old, that a Thessalian wench had bewitched King Philip to dote on her, and by philters enforced his love, but when Olympia, his queen, saw the maid of an excellent beauty well brought up and qualified: these, quoth she, were the philters which enveagled King Philip, these the true charms as Henry to Rosamond."

Yet had Philander loved but half so well as I, he would have kept your glorious fame entire; but since alone for Sylvia I love Sylvia, let her be false to honour, false to love, wanton and proud, ill-natured, vain, fantastic, or what is worse let her pursue her love, be constant, and still dote upon Philander yet still she will be the Sylvia I adore, that Sylvia born eternally to enslave

Rosina burst into tears: "All all, Henrique, except an approving conscience, without which I feel that I cannot live. I love you love you dearly dote upon you, Henrique: you cannot doubt it after all that has occurred: but now that the delirium of passion has subsided, conscience has been busy too busy, for it has embittered all; and I feel that happiness is flown for ever.

I speak from experience. They had deceived the Senate. Methinks I see them now, smiling as in scorn of Corruption. Dream on, blest pair: Yet happier if you knew your happiness, And knew to know no more! The world of Reform that you dote on, like Berkeley's material world, lives only in your own brain, and long may it live there!