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A big man on a big horse, I should say, and putting lots o beef into it Yes, yes, yes," with the gusto of an expert. "They've used the edge see! Got em on the run, then cut em in collops and all over my bowling-green, tool" treading at the offending horse-hooves. Kit gave a little cough. He had seen the lower deck of the Tremendous awash with blood; he had dirked men, and shot them.

Bromfield." The man beside the girl kept his smile working and concealed the little stab of jealousy that dirked him. Colin Whitford had confided to Lindsay that his daughter was practically engaged to Clarendon Bromfield and that he did not like the man. The range-rider did not like him either, but he tried loyally to kill his distrust of the clubman.

"Nay, my Lady," answered Lilias, eager to disburden her mind, or, in, Chaucer's phrase, to "unbuckle her mail," "if you bid me speak out the truth, you must not be moved with what might displease you Roland Graeme has dirked Adam Woodstock that is all." "Good Heaven!" said the Lady, turning pale as ashes, "is the man slain?"

Can you read them, Nick, for my eyes are weak! I am curious to know from whom he stole it." The boy scanned it closely. "Three of something I think they are fleur-de-lys, which would spell Montgomery. Or lions' heads, maybe, for Buchan?" He passed it to Lord Charles, who held it to a candle's light. "Nay, I think they are Cummin garbs. Some poor fellow dirked and spoiled." Mr.

'You've cheek enough to build a redoubt with, said Torpenhow, and took stock of the new acquaintance. 'Do you always draw like that? The young man produced more sketches. 'Row on a Chinese pig-boat, said he, sententiously, showing them one after another. 'Chief mate dirked by a comprador. Junk ashore off Hakodate. Somali muleteer being flogged. Star-shelled bursting over camp at Berbera.

They were moored, stem and stern, in a grog-shop, making a great noise, with a crowd of Indians and hungry half-breeds about them, and with a fair prospect of being stripped and dirked, or left to pass the night in the calabozo.

Imagine your printing that the Douglases after James II. had dirked the Earl, trailed the royal safe-conduct at the TAIL of a serving man, instead of the tail of a starved Mare. Yours truly, however, W.S." So printed in first edition, vol. ii. p. 129, but corrected in the subsequent editions to "a miserable cart jade." Gray's Ode on Eton.

In a high, wailing voice which rose to a shriek there was borne to him the words: "Ye dirked poor Jesse Strawn and left him rotting in the swamp. I was a true and faithful seaman, Cap'n Teach." A deeper voice boomed out, filling the hold with unearthly echoes: "I am the shade of the master mariner whom ye did foully murder off Matanzas and there is no rest for me ten fathom down."

Ronny-On's Jean and Peter Scrymgeour, little Lisbeth Doak and long Sam'l from Pyotdykes were pairing that year, and never knew how near they were to being dirked by Corp of Corp, who, lurking in the burn till there were no tibbits in his toes, muttered fiercely, "Cheep one single cheep, and it will be thy hinmost, methinks!" under the impression that Methinks was a Jacobite oath.

Laurie thought me mad, and held me by the cloak-lap till the cloth rave in his hand; and so I banged in right before the king just as he mounted, and crammed the Sifflication into his hand, and he opened it like in amaze; and just as he saw the first line, I was minded to make a reverence, and I had the ill luck to hit his jaud o' a beast on the nose with my hat, and scaur the creature, and she swarved aside, and the king, that sits na mickle better than a draff-pock on the saddle, was like to have gotten a clean coup, and that might have cost my craig a raxing-and he flung down the paper amang the beast's feet, and cried, 'Away wi' the fause loon that brought it! And they grippit me, and cried treason; and I thought of the Ruthvens that were dirked in their ain house, for, it may be, as small a forfeit.