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Difficiles in otio quies it is difficult to keep quiet if you have nothing to do.

«Si l'aspect magnifique et la beauté sauvage de cette enceinte sont difficiles

My heart sickened within me; but, as I caught the eager glance of the poor author, I brightened up my countenance into an expression of pleasure, and appeared to read and comment upon the difficiles nugae with an interest commensurate to his own. Meanwhile the youth returned. He had much of that delicacy of sentiment which always accompanies mental cultivation, of whatever sort it may be.

Et ecce ibi es in corde eorum, in corde confitentium tibi, et projicientium se in te, et plorantium in sinu tuo, post vias suas difficiles. "And behold! Thou art there in their hearts, in the hearts of that confess to Thee, and cast themselves upon Thee, and sob upon Thy breast, after their weary ways." Confessions, V, 2. Augustin fell ill just after he got to Rome.

Nous n'avons pas le droit d'etre fort difficiles. We will be very facile, then, since needs must; remembering the good old proverb that ``scornful dogs eat dirty puddings. But, ere we show Terminus the door, at least let us fling one stone at the shrieking sulphureous houses of damnation erected as temples in his honour, and dignified with his name!

Pourquoi ne pas espérer de finir, par les mêmes moyens, des disputes, moins difficiles, et moins importantes?" With these rational and conciliatory dispositions, Bossuet, and Molanus, proceeded. But, after this stage of the business, Molanus disappears, and Leibniz comes on the scene.

Je ne trouve pas qu'il tienne assez compte a Aristote d'avoir commence la science, et de l'avoir fondee. Les debuts sont toujours excessivement difficiles, et il ne serait pas equitable de demander a ces temps recules de savoir tout ce que nous savons aujourd'hui. Nous devons toujours nous dire que dans deux mille ans d'ici on en saura beaucoup plus que nous, tout savants que nous sommes.

Often, but not always," Madame Beaurepas pursued. "We are to have a specimen to-morrow of a very different sort." "An American?" I inquired. "Two Americaines a mother and a daughter. There are Americans and Americans: when you are difficiles, you are more so than any one, and when you have pretensions ah, per exemple, it's serious.

A friend of mine, a beginner, who was sitting near waiting to have her skates put on, was rather discouraged, and said to me: "You don't look as if you were enjoying yourself. I don't think I will try." "Oh yes you must, 'les commencements sont toujours difficiles, and you will learn. I shall be all right as soon as I start again."

'Je ne sache pas que Reeve ait ecrit aucun ouvrage de longue haleine, sauf certaines traductions difficiles, importantes: quelques-unes rappellent a cette compagnie des noms qui lui sont chers la "Vie de Washington," par Guizot; la "Democratic," de Tocqueville, un de ses plus intimes amis.