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'What is that thee? said Dairyman Tucker, in a voice which unmistakably startled Jim by its abrupt fierceness. 'A pretty fellow thou be'st! It was a bad beginning for the young man's life as a son-in-law, and augured ill for the delicate consultation he desired. 'What's the matter? said Jim. 'Matter! I wish some folks would burn their lime without burning other folks' property along wi' it.

Thus set in train, the transfer of Darton's heart back to its original quarters proceeded by mere lapse of time. In the following July, Darton went to his friend Japheth to ask him at last to fulfil the bridal office which had been in abeyance since the previous January twelvemonths. 'With all my heart, man o' constancy! said Dairyman Johns warmly.

America presses upon him hard, too as hard, or harder, than on the wheat-grower. Cases have been known of American cheese being sold in manufacturing towns as low as twopence per pound retail given away by despairing competition. How, then, is the dairyman to succeed when he cannot, positively cannot, make cheese to sell at less than fourpence per pound wholesale?

"Our father going away abroad, he sold one of our two cows, and took the proceeds with him. Although we did not understand much about bargains of this kind, yet the cow we purchased served us so remarkably, that we were obliged to acknowledge whence the blessing came. In Summer we could sell fourteen measures of milk; in Winter, twelve to the dairyman, so that the borrowed money was speedily paid.

The count only needed to have given the poor young dairyman a few acres of his own land, and a few bags of his own gold, and begged the king, with whom he had great influence, to knight him, and all the obstacles would have been removed; the dairyman would have been quite rich and noble enough for his son-in-law. But he never thought of that, and his daughter was disinherited.

But no explanation was discernible; he remained under the cow long enough to have milked three, uttering a private ejaculation now and then, as if he could not get on. "Take it gentle, sir; take it gentle," said the dairyman. "'Tis knack, not strength, that does it." "So I find," said the other, standing up at last and stretching his arms.

Hall's capacities as a provider. 'Drink hearty, Mr. Johns drink hearty, said that matron magnanimously. 'Such as it is there's plenty of. But perhaps cider-wine is not to your taste? though there's body in it. 'Quite the contrairy, ma'am quite the contrairy, said the dairyman. 'For though I inherit the malt-liquor principle from my father, I am a cider-drinker on my mother's side.

Sometimes it becomes bitter, or acquires an unpleasant "tainted" taste, or, again, a "soapy" taste. Occasionally a dairyman finds his milk becoming slimy, instead of souring and curdling in the normal fashion. At such times, after a number of hours, the milk becomes so slimy that it can be drawn into long threads.

"I see, Mr. Britling, you'd hand us all over to Jim Larkin!" "I'd hand you all over to Sir Horace Plunkett " "That doctrinaire dairyman!" cried Lady Frensham, with an air of quite conclusive repartee. "You're hopeless, Mr. Britling. You're hopeless."

Yet in the interval since Crick's last view of them something had occurred which changed the pivot of the universe for their two natures; something which, had he known its quality, the dairyman would have despised, as a practical man; yet which was based upon a more stubborn and resistless tendency than a whole heap of so-called practicalities.