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Updated: August 29, 2024

It is a lovely blindness in a child to have no discernment of a parent's faultiness; and so it happened that the Lady Anne saw nothing in her father's mien or manner, betokening a sinful, worthless character. Of her mother she had but few and faint recollections. Memory pictured her pale and drooping, nay gradually sinking under the cureless malady which brought her to her grave at last.

Will none undo it?" and springing forward nearer the Shrine, he raised his angry, impassioned eyes to the dark, inscrutable ones of the High Priestess, who met his troubled look with serene and irresponsive gravity ... "Is there no touch of human pity in things divine? ... no mercy in the icy fate that rules our destinies? ... This child knows naught of what she does; she hath been led astray in a moment of excitement and religious exaltation, . . her mind hath lost its balance, her thoughts float disconnectedly on a sea of vague illusions, ... Ah! ... by the gods! ... I understand it all now!" and he suddenly threw himself on his knees, his appealing gaze resting, not on the Snake-Deity, but on the lovely countenance of Lysia, fair and brilliant as a summer morn, with a certain waving light of triumph about it, like the reflected radiance of sunbeams, ... "She is under the influence of Raphon! ... O withering madness! ... O cureless misery.. She is ruled by that most horrible secret force, unknown as yet to the outer world of men! ... and she hears things that are not, and sees what has no existence!

He most assuredly was never destined by her to shave beards, and manufacture perukes for heads more brainless, many of them, than his own blocks. He ought to have been a professor of metaphysics or logic in some famous university, such as Heidelburg, Gottingen, or Glasgow; but why lament over cureless evils? it is sufficient to say he is a barber, and there is an end of the matter.

But Innocent held the cold hand of the dead man to her warm young bosom, endeavouring to take from it its cureless chill. "He will be better soon," she said, "Priscilla, bring me that brandy just a little will revive him, I'm sure. Why do you stand there crying? You surely don't think he's dead? No, no, that isn't possible! It isn't possible, is it, Robin?

From about 250 to 400 years ago, were the high and palmy days of this 'dainty art. Then, the learned and subtile schoolmen of the age did not disdain to write upon it, with ink scarcely dry upon the pens with which they had been discussing the most abstruse dogmas of theology; then, not unfrequently, the cureless curate, by the concoction of a happy device for a generous patron, found himself a beneficed bishop.

She sighed. "Do you think that possible ?" "I do think it very possible," he answered. "Natural sorrow is not forbidden to us, but a persistent dwelling on cureless grief is a trespass against the law. Moreover you have been endowed with a great talent, it is not your own it is lent to you to use for others, and you have no right to waste it.

All the troop of cureless evils, Rushing reinless forth From thy damned box, Pandora, Seize the tainted earth! And to lay the marshalled legions Of our fiendish pains, Hope alone, a sorry charmer, In the box remains. Epimetheus knew the dolors, But he knew too late; Jealous Jove himself, now vainly, Would revoke the fate.

"I am a Demon who would tempt thee to destruction. As thou hast withstood so far, I tempt thee no more. Thou hast done a service which, though I value it not, is acceptable in the sight of her whose love is dearer to me than the light of life. Sad has been that love to thee, my Rebecca! Why should I do that which would make thy cureless grief more grievous?

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