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He said deliberately, "I possess an income of five hundred a year, extraneous, and in addition to my pay as major in Her Majesty's service." Then he paused, and the silence was like a growing chasm between them. She broke it by saying, "Have you any expectations?" This was crueller still, though no longer astonishing. He complained in his heart merely that her voice had become so unpleasant.

She loved gay scenes, bright lights, beautiful clothes, lively music, witty conversation. She had been born for the brilliant Courts of the eighteenth century when life in each class was more highly concentrated than is possible now when love was put to severer tests, hatred permitted a crueller play, politics asked a more intricate genius, and art controlled the kingdom of the Graces.

But one day, without reflection, without knowledge, without foresight, he was rash enough to fall in love with a girl of noble birth whose portrait he was painting; to speak to her and to win her love. He thought then, in the silly innocence of his youth, that art abridges all distance and that love effaces it. Crueller nonsense never was uttered, my poor Fabien.

He fell in battle, and she was slain by a crueller foe, the grief that, seizing us, will not let us live even for those we love. God rest the faithful dead, give peace to their souls, and complete their love and their labors! My father and mother are living yet the sweetest of blessings at my time of life. You grieved as youth grieves, but life had its compensations.

"Yes, I will tell you," he replied slowly, "although in all my life no crueller duty has fallen on me. It is because we in Grenoble are old-fashioned in our views of morality, and I thank God we are so. It is because you have married a divorced woman under circumstances that have shocked us. The Church to which I belong, and whose teachings I respect, does not recognize such a marriage.

This had been done to Victor Durnovo. Truly the vengeance of man is crueller than the vengeance of God! Could he have seen himself, Victor Durnovo would never have shown that face or what remained of it to a human being. He could only have killed himself. Who can tell what cruelties had been paid for, piece by piece, in this loathsome mutilation?

"You," he said to her, "can bear the trial; few complexions can; it is to most ladies a crueller test than snow. Miss Dale, for example, becomes old lace within a dozen yards of it. I should like to place her under the tree beside you." "Dear me, though; but that is investing the hamadryad with novel and terrible functions," exclaimed Dr. Middleton.

I was then armed against a crueller, that allows of no interval for a man to make his vow to recover! 'The disease which is all crisis, I apprehend, Mr. Beamish remarked. 'Which, sir, when it takes hold of dry wood, burns to the last splinter. It is now' the duke fetched a tender groan 'three years ago that I had a caprice to marry a grandchild! 'Of Adam's, Mr. Beamish said cheerfully.

As a result of the two evils of which I have now spoken, together with the physical effects of masturbation, young men become powerless to face the sexual temptations of manhood; and many, who in all other relations of life are admirable, sink in this matter into the mire of prostitution or the less demoralising, but far crueller, sin of seduction.

He was of the crueller intent because he had not known how much of personal vanity there was in the seriousness with which he took himself and his work.