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To clinch the cause, and fuel add to fire, Behind came Hamilton, his trusty squire: Awhile he paus'd, revolving the disgrace, And gath'ring all the honours of his face; Then rais'd his head, and, turning to the crowd, Burst into bellowing, terrible and loud: 'Hear my resolve; and first by I swear, By Smollet, and his gods, whoe'er shall date With him this day for glorious fame to vie, Sous'd in the bottom of the ditch shall lie; And know, the world no other shall confess, While I have crab-tree, life, or letter-press. Scar'd at the menace, authors fearful grew, Poor Virtue trembled, and e'en Vice look'd blue."

As he examined it from day to day, and every day thought it improving, he longed to thank his friend Maurice for it; and he often mounted into his crab-tree, to look into Maurice's garden, in hopes of seeing his tulip also in full bloom and beauty. He never could see it. The day of the florist's feast arrived, and Oakly went with his son and the fine tulip to the place of meeting.

If you find a crab-apple on a tree, you may be sure that the tree is a crab-tree. So one can predicate a pretty correct opinion of a person, as to character, disposition, and modes of thinking and acting, from a single isolated remark, incidentally made, or an act performed on the spur of the moment.

Under the greenwood tree sat Robin Hood; on one side was Will Scarlet, lying at full length upon his back, gazing up into the clear sky, with hands clasped behind his head; upon the other side sat Little John, fashioning a cudgel out of a stout crab-tree limb; elsewhere upon the grass sat or lay many others of the band.

A perfect quiet possessed the air, but from every branch, as though shaken by some invisible hand, dead foliage dropped to earth in a continuous shower; softly pattering from beech to maple, or with the heavier fall of ash-leaves, while at long intervals sounded the thud of apples tumbling from a crab-tree.

He has nothing more for you, nor you for him; but he may be rich in juices wherewithal to nourish the heart of another man, and their two lives, set together, may have an endosmose and exosmose whose result shall be richness of soil, grandeur of growth, beauty of foliage, and perfectness of fruit; while you and he would only have languished into aridity and a stunted crab-tree.

At the very instant the net closes round the pilgrims, 'the white robe falls from the black man's body. Despair 'getteth him a grievous crab-tree cudgel'; it was in 'sunshiny weather' that he had his fits; and the birds in the grove about the House Beautiful, 'our country birds, only sing their little pious verses 'at the spring, when the flowers appear and the sun shines warm. 'I often, says Piety, 'go out to hear them; we also ofttimes keep them tame on our house. The post between Beulah and the Celestial City sounds his horn, as you may yet hear in country places.

So, when he arose, he getteth him a grievous crab-tree cudgel, and goes down into the dungeon to them, and there first falls to rating of them as if they were dogs, although they never gave him a word of distaste. Then he falls upon them, and beats them fearfully, in such sort, that they were not able to help themselves, or to turn them upon the floor.

Some of these were immense trees, and not very desirable round arable land, owing to their shade, but they were lovely when in bloom, for standing separately, they seemed to develop richer colours than when close together in an orchard. The story of Shakespeare's carouse, and his night passed under a crab-tree near Bidford, about six miles from Aldington, is well known.