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Cylinder-bolts he cut off to the number of six from the after-engine cylinder, so that it might match its neighbour, and stuffed the bilge and feed-pumps with cotton-waste.

Don't forget the ah wrinkle I gave you about the cotton-waste." "Fancy Boy earning some money!" said Daphne. "What wages d'you get?" "Six-and-tenpence-farthing a week," said I, "and all found." "That's a dangerous phrase," said Jonah. "Might mean anything." "Exactly," said Berry. "It includes boots, we know. What else besides boots?" "Depends on the man," said I. "It does," said Daphne.

They piled on more coals, shovelling furiously; the furnace roared, the sparks flew, the engine leapt and swung but still their pursuers slowly gained. The engine-driver, with a sigh, wiped his brow with a handful of cotton-waste, and said, 'I'm afraid it's no good, Toad. You see, they are running light, and they have the better engine.

His engineer was kneeling down among his drivers, but he did not call.007 his "Arab steed," nor cry over him, as the engineers did in the newspapers. He just bad worded.007, and pulled yards of charred cotton-waste from about the axles, and hoped he might some day catch the idiot who had packed it.

When this preliminary work had been effected, and there had been placed in each room and in the hall great masses of new hay, cotton-waste and paper, the servants were sent away. Then we set about packing. No one, not accustomed to packing, could have the slightest idea of the amount of the amount of work involved in such a task as that in which in we were engaged.

In the far corner of the lift, the emotional Jules was sobbing silently into the bunch of cotton-waste which served him in the office of a pocket-handkerchief. His broken-hearted gulps echoed hollowly down the shaft. In these days of cheap books of instruction on every subject under the sun, we most of us know how to behave in the majority of life's little crises.

The steamer's machine-shop, as I have said, was unusually well fitted and supplied; but even in the short time that the vessel had been lying abandoned in that reeking atmosphere rust had so coated everything not shut up in lockers that all the tools in the racks and the fittings of the lathe although the lathe had an oil-cloth hood over it had to be cleaned before they could be used: a job that kept me busy with the grind-stone, and emery-cloth, and oiled cotton-waste, for a good long while.

Left to his own choice, he would miss the parade of the garrison for inspection by an excellency in order to ask questions of a man wiping the oil off his hands with cotton-waste, who was far more entertaining to him than the most spick-and-span ramrod of a sergeant. The first time he saw a dynamo in motion he was spellbound.

Hows'ever, her father bein' a pointsman, she wos shifted along with him to Langrye station that's where your son is, ma'am an' as we don't stop there we was obleeged to confine our courtship to a nod an' a wave of a handkerchief. Leastwise she shook out a white handkerchief an' I flourished a lump o' cotton-waste.

I've turned off upwards of a hundred of my best hands, for no other fault than following you and such as you; and d'ye think I'll take you on? I might as well put a firebrand into the midst of the cotton-waste. Higgins turned away; then the recollection of Boucher came over him, and he faced round with the greatest concession he could persuade himself to make.