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They wished him to be glued to his stool; he preferred to play for the county. I think we may say that Comrade Jackson has secured the Order of the Boot. 'What? Do you mean to say ? Psmith related briefly the history of Mike's departure. Mr Smith listened with interest. 'Well, he said at last, 'hang me if I blame the boy. It's a sin cooping up a fellow who can bat like that in a bank.

At first we tried cooping them to fatten, but found it did not answer, as they moped and refused to eat by themselves; so we abandoned that plan, and were content to let them run in the meadows till fit to kill, which was not till they were three months old.

When they had rolled about ten miles she said, in a low voice, "Harrington." "Well?" "You were right. Cooping one's self up is the way to go mad." "Of course it is." "I feel a little better now a very little." "I am glad of it." But he was not hearty, and she said no more. He was extremely attentive to her all the journey, and, indeed, had never been half so polite to her.

We're only young once. Why interfere with life's morning? Young man, rejoice in thy youth! Tra-la! What ho!" Put like that, it did seem reasonable. "All my bally life, dear boy," Motty went on, "I've been cooped up in the ancestral home at Much Middlefold, in Shropshire, and till you've been cooped up in Much Middlefold you don't know what cooping is!

Drive them beyond the mountains and there was no other army to fall back upon. On their existence everything hinged, and when Howe got back to Philadelphia, there they were still existent, still coherent, hovering on his flank, cooping him up in his lines, and leaving him master of little more than the ground his men encamped upon, and the streets his sentinels patrolled.

"Well, if you let me work it off it does no harm. If I can ride all day, or paddle or swim, or go hunting with Michel or one of the others; and be interested in what I'm doing, and come home tired and sleep without dreaming why everything is all right. But if you insist on cooping me up! well, I'm likely to turn out something worse than harum-scarum, that's all!" Gaviller flung up his arms.

And its holders had angered the great leader of the Ironsides by killing one of his most valued officers. Retribution was demanded. General Lambert was sent with a strong force to reduce the castle. The works were strong, and not easily to be taken by assault. They might be taken by hunger. Lambert soon had the castle surrounded, cooping the garrison closely within its own precincts.

Thankful or not, we get what we get. Fate hands it out to us; and we may as well take it and keep our mouths shut." "That's the result of cooping yourself in here all day, just thinking and smoking cigarettes," grumbled Dade, himself worried to the point of nervous petulance. If he could have taken his own riata and fought also, he would have been much nearer his usual calm, humorous self.

I don't see how any woman could have looked at you without loving you then. But you don't look it now. "Please, please, forgive me for hurting you. You wanted straight talk, and I am giving it to you. All these last years you have been living unnaturally. You, a man of the open, have been cooping yourself up in the cities with all that that means.

Waller too, beaten as he was, hung on their weakened force as it moved for aid upon Oxford, and succeeded in cooping up the foot in Devizes. But in July the horse broke through his lines; and joining a force which Charles had sent to their relief, turned back, and dashed Waller's army to pieces in a fresh victory on Roundway Down.