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At this moment I have not a place to hide my head in. Something I meditate I know not what 'Itaque e conspectu omnium abiit. With a good publisher and leisure to premeditate what I write, I might yet liberate myself; after which, having paid everybody, I would slink into some dark comer, educate my children, and show my face in the world no more."

Efficacious enim et plus movent, quae in oculos quam quae in aures incidunt. Potuerat et Hezekias populum monere, ne serpentem adorarent, sed muluit confringere et penitus e conspectu auferre; et rectius fecit, saith one well to this purpose. 2. Experience hath taught to how little purpose such admonitions do serve.

It was in conspectu classis in sight of the Roman fleet; and would any admiral, Roman or British, wish a fairer bay to ride in than that on your right hand? It is astonishing how blind we professed antiquaries sometimes are! Sir Robert Sibbald, Saunders Gordon, General Roy, Dr. Stokely, why, it escaped all of them.

The king looked at it, and with a look which, ever since he had become his own master, was ever piercing as the eagle's, observed an insulting device representing Holland arresting the progress of the sun, with this inscription: "In conspectu meo stetit sol." "In my presence the sun stands still," exclaimed the king, furiously. "Ah! you will hardly deny it now, I suppose."

The man in black murmured something to himself: "Pretiosa in conspectu Domini mors innocentium ejus" Dear in the sight of the Lord is the death of His innocents. Then he put a hand very gently on the soldier's shoulder. "Never mind," said he; "I've seen some service in my time, myself. But what about that wound?" "Oh, that; that's nothing. But I'll tell you how I got it. It was just like this.

For the custom is such, that no stranger shall come before him, but if he give him some manner thing, after the old law that saith, NEMO ACCEDAT IN CONSPECTU MEO VACUUS. And then the emperor saith to the religious men, that they withdraw them again, that they be neither hurt nor harmed of the great multitude of horses that come behind him.

If His Majesty repays us so abundantly, that even in this life the reward and gain of those who serve Him become visible, what will it be in the next? Ch. xx. section 30. Ch. xx. section 34. Exod. xxiii. 15: "Non apparebis in conspectu meo vacuus." Apoc. ii. 23: "Dabo unicuique vestrum secundum opera sua." See ch. xxxii. section 1. "Farsa de esta vida tan mal concertada."

Venit enim mihi Plato in mentem, quera accepimus primum hic disputare solitum: cuius etiam illi hortuli propinqui non memoriam solum mihi afferunt, sed ipsum videntur in conspectu meo hic ponere. Hic Speusippus, hic Xenocrates, hic eius auditor Polemo; cuius ipsa illa sessio fuit, quam videmus.

Saepe ex eo audivi, legione una et modicis auxiliis debellari obtinerique Hiberniam posse. Idque etiam adversus Britanniam profuturum, si Romana ubique arma, et velut e conspectu libertas tolleretur.

It was in conspectu classis in sight of the Roman fleet; and would any admiral, Roman or British, wish a fairer bay to ride in than that on your right hand? It is astonishing how blind we professed antiquaries sometimes are! Sir Robert Sibbald, Saunders Gordon, General Roy, Dr. Stokely, why, it escaped all of them.