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Evidently her dislike of men had no element of fear or of sentimental avoidance. "I cannot like them," she apologized, declining to set forth her reasons. "I wish they would always stay away from me." "Your father and the priest are men." "I know it," admitted the girl, with a deep breath like commiseration.

It has inspired me with great commiseration, and I hope I understand it and its influences. Does what has passed between us give me any excuse for asking you a question relative to Estella? Not as she is, but as she was when she first came here?" She was seated on the ground, with her arms on the ragged chair, and her head leaning on them.

You say, "Only ten cents difference." But that is sometimes the difference between heaven and hell. Women often have less commiseration for women than men. If a woman steps aside from the path of rectitude, man may forgive woman never! Woman will never get justice done her from woman's ballot. Neither will she get it from man's ballot. How then? God will rise up for her.

No one but felt commiseration for him, and trust in his ultimate payment of their wages. They regarded the other creditors with a sort of mild contempt. They felt themselves of another kind, especially from the Germans and Jews. When Willy Eddy's wife had declaimed, one stenographer had whispered to the other, "How vulgar!" and the other had responded with a nod and curl of a lip of scorn.

There his first care was to submit himself to the hands of the barber who, after a glance at his client's bandaged head, muddy clothes and shaggy beard, coughed ominously and relapsed into a most unbarber-like reserve. Desmond heard the cough and caught the look of commiseration on the man's face. "I rather think I want a shave!" he said, weakly.

"Ah, my child, the thought of you is inextricably joined to other thoughts upon which I should be far wiser not to dwell far wiser to put from me and forget only they are stronger than I am and I can't." There was a ring of honest human feeling in Henrietta Frayling's voice for once. "No, no I am more justly an object of commiseration than anyone I leave behind me at St. Augustin."

Excitement gave him unnatural strength that day, and he obeyed the summons, nerved to meet his fate. His honor received him alone, in the Chief's office. A look of friendly commiseration was on his face, and he took Chester's hand with a gentle pressure.

He lifted up my father's hand. It fell like lead by his side. "Why won't father speak to me?" I asked, dreading the answer. "He'll never speak again! Your father's dead, lad," answered the man in a tone of commiseration.

These beds, with two exceptions, were occupied by unfortunate beings like myself. As I was brought in among them they gazed upon me earnestly, prompted, I verily believe, not only by curiosity, but commiseration for my unhappy condition.

"I think," remarked he, "that Van Klopen is a sharp fellow; he knows that I am to be relied on." "Where do you think your bills are?" "At St. Etienne's, of course." The perfect innocence of the boy elicited from Andre a gesture of impatient commiseration. "Listen to me," said he, "and see if you can comprehend the awful position in which you have placed yourself."