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Updated: August 24, 2024

"Fire or flame, or whatever you please, sir." "You must call it 'hot cockalorum, and what this?" he went on, pointing to the water. "Water or wet, or whatever you please, sir." "No, 'pondalorum' is its name. And what do you call all this?" asked he, as he pointed to the house. "House or cottage, or whatever you please, sir." "You must call it 'high topper mountain."

"You call me a liar and I'll blow your heart out," shouted the cowboy, dropping his hand to his revolver. "Halt!" said Delmar. "Easy now, you young cockalorum. It ain't useful to start shooting where Andrew Delmar is." Conrad spoke sharply: "Jim, shut up." Turning to Mose, "Where did it happen?" "In Boulder Creek, just south of the road." Conrad turned to Delmar in mock surprise.

The Lord High Cockalorum at Nynee Tal, Sir Somebody Thingmajig, I am speaking of years ago did not like him, I believe; but nobody thought any the worse of him for this; and although he continued to be a Collector until the shades of evening, when all his contemporaries had retired into the Dreamland of Commissionerships, he still loved and was loved; and to the very last he read his French novels and quoted Horace, sitting peacefully on the bank while the stream of promotion rolled on, knowing well that it would roll on in omne ævum, and not caring a jot whether it did, or did not.

"Hic hac horum, high cockalorum," continued Müller, with exceeding suavity. The captive monarch stamped impatiently, ground his teeth, but still made no reply. "Monsieur had better not aggravate him," said the showman. "On the contrary I am overwhelming him with civilities Now observe I condole with him upon his melancholy position.

"Lord Moyers giggled, and turned head-over-heels on the spot, after which he rushed off again to join the rest of the House of Lords, who were playing 'hi! cockalorum, close by. "The procession went on very sorrowfully toward the fort. It grieved them to see this frivolity in those to whom they had been taught to look up.

The heavy door swung back, and a dignified elderly gentleman, in black broadcloth and silk stockings, stood gazing at the intruder. The young man stepped from the outer darkness into the lighted vestibule, and the elderly gentleman fell back with a cry. "Master Juan!" "Mister Juan, Hooper, if you please Mister Juan. William, my old cockalorum, my last rose of summer, how goes it?"

I only know that the last verse ran, approximately, as follows: For "cockalorum," be it noted, we frequently substituted the name of some particularly obnoxious master.

And who appointed these people to a fixed social position? Did the president make Saxton High Cockalorum of Dress-Suits or something? Why, these are just folks, the same as kings and coal-heavers. There's no army we've got to fight. There's just you and me you and I and if we stick together, then we have all society, we are all society!" "Ye-es, but, Milt dear, I don't want to be an outcast."

"Cockalorum means nothing in particular, Ibrahim; it is rather a friendly sort of address: it means good sort of fellow. That wasn't so bad." "No. That not so bad. Then one soldier call him Jocko; that name for a monkey, sah; these things very unpleasant." "But they don't mean anything, Ibrahim. They call each other all sorts of names too."

"You finish him with your knife." "Sport is a cruel thing," she said, shuddering. "I am glad Simeon cannot even ride." "Can't ride!" repeated Stephen. "Indeed, I can tell you he means to. He says the Indians have offered him the best mount they have. They considered him a medicine man, on account of his root-digging propensities, and treated him as the high cockalorum of the whole ship's company."

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