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I'm elected to take his place, I see." "Only for a day or two, Clarendon," said the older man. "As soon as we can get together a coroner's jury we'll straighten everything out." "Yes," agreed the clubman lifelessly. It was running through his mind already that if he should be freed of the murder charge, he would only have escaped Scylla to go to wreck on Charybdis.

The clubman made the only decision he could, and that was to procrastinate, to put off making any choice for the present. "I'll think it over. Give me a day to make up my mind," he begged. Jerry shrugged his heavy shoulders. He knew that every hour counted in his favor, would make it more difficult for the tortured man to come forward and tell the truth. "Sure. Look it over upside and down.

Less than a month ago, one month, Ardita, he was involved in a notorious affair with that red-haired woman, Mimi Merril; promised to give her the diamond bracelet that the Czar of Russia gave his mother. You know you read the papers." "Thrilling scandals by an anxious uncle," yawned Ardita. "Have it filmed. Wicked clubman making eyes at virtuous flapper.

An interesting essay might be written upon points upon which nations affect more vices than they possess; and it might deal more fully with the American pressman, who is a harmless clubman in private, and becomes a sort of highway-robber in print.

"You met her here a journalist." "Quite so, a strange career." "Mr. Harris, a clubman, is coming, and the Stanley Cheevers." "The Stanley Cheevers!" said Flanders with some surprise. "Are we going to gamble?" "You believe in that scandal about bridge?" "Certainly not," said Flanders, smiling. "You see I was present.

For one "clubman" i.e., bagman or suburban vestryman who invades the women's shops, engages the affection of some innocent miss, lures her into infamy and then sells her to the Italians, there are one thousand who never get any further than asking the price of cologne water and discharging a few furtive winks.

And I never saw a single soul there in my life but one clerk! I never suffered such a thing as this before in all my days deliberate, brutal injustice! And that I should be so placed as to be a victim of such a thing that I should have to hang upon your words and to be at your mercy for eleven weeks of agony! You are a great editor, a clubman, a rich man!

Whereupon I asked a newspaper reporter about him. "Why," said he, "a 'Man About Town' something between a 'rounder' and a 'clubman. He isn't exactly well, he fits in between Mrs. Fish's receptions and private boxing bouts. He doesn't well, he doesn't belong either to the Lotos Club or to the Jerry McGeogheghan Galvanised Iron Workers' Apprentices' Left Hook Chowder Association.

He set his thin lips tight and resolved that he would stand no nonsense of this sort after they were married. If she wanted to flirt it would have to be with some one in their own set. The clubman was too wise to voice his objections now except by an occasional slur. But he found it necessary sometimes to put a curb on his temper. The thing was outrageous damnably bad form.

Thus any definite expression of opinion by any member is regarded as dangerous. The ideal clubman is he who looks genial and says nothing at all. Most Englishmen find little difficulty in conforming with this ideal. They belong to a silent race. Social clubs flourish, therefore, in England.