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He was a man of the world, of the better class, a clubman, a lover of horses, a theatergoer and an expert swordsman; he was known, talked about, appreciated everywhere, having very courteous manners, a very mediocre intellect, an absence of education and of the real culture needed in order to think like all well-bred people, and finally a respect for conventionalities.

And I'll bet you a gold mine I've got $50 worth more gent's furnishings on my frame than you have. That's what I wanted to see you about. I can't do the trick. Take a look at me. What's wrong?" "Stand up," said Vuyning. Emerson arose, and slowly revolved. "You've been 'outfitted," declared the clubman. "Some Broadway window-dresser has misused you. That's an expensive suit, though, Emerson."

Poor old Pyecraft! Great, uneasy jelly of substance! The fattest clubman in London. He sits at one of the little club tables in the huge bay by the fire, stuffing. What is he stuffing? I glance judiciously, and catch him biting at a round of hot buttered teacake, with his eyes on me. Confound him! with his eyes on me! That settles it, Pyecraft!

As to the gardenias, the card attached to the green ribbons of the basket revealed the name of the most elegant clubman of Paris, the Duke Charles de Morlay-La-Branche. He was a handsome man of thirty-two, very wealthy, adored by women, popular with men. A ripple ran through the audience. "You know the Duke, they say that he is very much taken...." "They know each other?"

Say, goin' up those stairs where I live I cert'n'ly must 'a' sounded like a well-known clubman gettin' home from an Elks' banquet. Head, next A.M.? ask me, ask me! Nothing of the kind! Don't I show up with a toothache and con old Tully into a day off at the dentist's to have the bridge-work tooled up. Ask me was I at the dentist's? Wow! Not! little old William J. Turkish bath for mine!"

"You know as well as I do." "H'm! I'd forgotten. Just the same, my plan was a good one. Gas is cheaper." He reached for his glass, at which Clyde's eye fell upon his missing fingers, and the young clubman exploded: "Well! If that's the kind of pill you are, maybe you didn't lose your mit in the Boer War either." Emerson answered for the adventurer: "Hardly! He got blood-poisoning from a hangnail."

Any man arrested with more than five dollars in his pocket is a millionaire clubman. And the cheapest little chorus-girl tart, who blackmails a broker's clerk with a breach of promise, gets herself called a 'distinguished actress' and him a 'well-known financier. Why steal the Police Gazette's rouge and lip-stick?" "Because it's what the readers want." "All right.

And Forbes Thompson, the great rifle clubman, you know; and the Canadian preachers splendid fellows, by Jove! Simply splendid they are, I can tell you. I look for great things from those two.

The remainder may be guessed by those whom genteel poverty has driven to ignoble expedient. Our next view of him shall be as he descends the steps of his lodging-house immaculately and correctly clothed; calm, assured, handsome in appearance the typical new york young clubman setting out, slightly bored, to inaugurate the pleasures of the evening. Chandler's honorarium was $18 per week.

"How's that?" questioned George. "Mr. Clyde offers to put ten thousand dollars into the deal if he can go to Kalvik with us and help run the cannery," explained Emerson. George looked over the clubman carefully from his curly crown to his slender, high-heeled shoes, then smiled broadly. "It's up to Mr. Emerson. I'm willing if he is."