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Apart from the immediate, practical disproof which cases of blood-poisoning, etc., would offer to such a theory, it may also be disproved theoretically. For if it be unnecessary, e.g., to fast during illness if food is a negligible quantity and can be left out of account why do Christian Scientists ever eat at all? If food is unimportant in one case, it must be in the other case also.

I couldn't get out to a doctor before a month, and by that time I'll be one-armed or dead. I know which I'd prefer." Knowing, at all events, that nothing but evil could come of fear, I said: "Now see here. You can put that clean out of your mind. You never saw blood-poisoning that colour, did you?" "That's so," and he seemed intensely relieved.

While the message sped on its way, Roy got him to bed somehow; eased things a little with hot bottles and brandy; nameless terrors knocking at his heart.... In less than no time Collins appeared, with the Colonel; and their faces told Roy that his terror was only too well founded.... Within an hour he knew the worst acute blood-poisoning from the láthi wound.

The mortality after compound fractures, amputations, and many other operations was appalling, and death from blood-poisoning frequently followed even the most trivial operations. An operation was looked upon as a last resource, and the inherent risk from blood-poisoning seemed to have set an impassable barrier to the further progress of surgery.

Lastly, if the kidneys perform their duties imperfectly in consequence of exposure to cold, or of the changes which some diseases, such as scarlatina, sometimes bring about in their structure, the blood will be imperfectly purified; dropsy and various forms of inflammation may result; or the brain and nervous system may be disordered, and death in convulsions may attest the dangerous nature of this blood-poisoning.

Blood-poisoning couldn't possibly develop so soon. She rushed to the 'phone. Doctor Martin across the street was out. Doctor Foulke, their family physician, didn't answer. She racked her brains and in desperation called her throat specialist, and bit her lip furiously while he looked up the numbers of two physicians.

We don't exactly enjoy being shot, or stabbed, or scratched, though, as a matter of fact, in what Mulvaney calls the "fog av fightin'" we hardly notice such trifles unless immediately disabling. But our greatest fear after the bleeding has stopped is lest blood-poisoning may set in.

He left Use with a profound admiration both for herself and Miss Peacock. "Words," he wrote in the Record, "cannot describe the value of the work that is being done by these heroic women." There was no improvement in her health as the months went on, and another severe illness caused by blood-poisoning shattered her nerves. The Wilkies spared no labour or love to heal and strengthen her.

If the liver becomes involved, we shall very soon have the jaundiced eye and the yellow skin. Diarrhoea is another very common complication. We have frequent purging and, maybe, sickness and vomiting. Fits of a convulsive character are frequent concomitants of distemper. Epilepsy is sometimes seen, owing, no doubt, to degeneration of the nerve centres caused by blood-poisoning.

Philip's father was a surgeon in good practice, and his hospital appointments suggested an established position; so that it was a surprise on his sudden death from blood-poisoning to find that he had left his widow little more than his life insurance and what could be got for the lease of their house in Bruton Street. This was six months ago; and Mrs.