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"There was at this time a circulating library at Edinburgh, founded, I believe, by the celebrated Allan Ramsay, which, besides containing a most respectable collection of books of every description, was, as might have been expected, peculiarly rich in works of fiction.

Besides this, constant contact with the ignorance and stupidity of the slaves, their filth, rags, and nakedness; their cowering air, servile employments, repulsive food, and squalid hovels, their purchase and sale, and use as brutes all these associations, constantly mingling and circulating in the minds of slaveholders, and inveterated by the hourly irritations which must assail all who use human beings as things, produce in them a permanent state of feeling toward the slave, made up of repulsion and settled ill-will.

The boy took the paper with an insolent grin, for he had heard the fast circulating rumor, "that one of the big bugs was about to smash up;" and now, eager to confirm the report, he ran swiftly back to his employer, who muttered, "Just as I expected. I'll draw on him for what I lent him, and that'll tell the story.

Then, too, in these bottoms, malaria has wrought its work, especially among the underfed; you see it in the yellow skin and nerveless tone of these lanky rustics, who are in town to enjoy the one bright holiday of their weary year. I always think well of Belpré, because here was established the first circulating library in the Northwest.

But at the decline of the hot fit, as the mouths of the absorbents of the skin are exposed to the cooler air, or bed-clothes, these vessels sooner lose their increased activity, and cease to absorb more than their natural quantity: but the secerning vessels for some time longer, being kept warm by the circulating blood, continue to pour out an increased quantity of perspirable matter, which now stands on the skin in large visible drops; the exhalation of it also being lessened by the greater coolness of the skin, as well as its absorption by the diminished action of the lymphatics.

"Really, my Lord?" asked the sarcastic Mrs. Selwyn; "well, that is wonderful, considering success would be so much in your power." "Pray, Ma'am," said Mr. Lovel to Lady Louisa, "has your Ladyship heard the news?" "News!-what news?" "Why, the report circulating at the Wells concerning a certain person." "O Lord, no: pray tell me what it is?"

This club contrived to purchase about fifty books, which were lent round, and formed the nucleus of a circulating library, which grew into the famous Franklin Library, one of the prominent institutions of Philadelphia. In 1730, at the age of twenty-four, he married Deborah Reid, a pretty, kind-hearted, and frugal woman, with whom he lived happily for forty-four years.

"I'd sooner have my funeral held tomorrow than drop out of West Point," Greg stated. Prescott, while not making that assertion, knew that it would blast his dearest hopes life if he had to go down in the academic battle. Dodge, who was so high in mathematics that he need have little fear, was circulating a good deal among his classmates these days before Christmas.

Boilers with a large extent of heating surface, or with descending flues circulating through the cooler water in the bottom of the boiler before ascending the chimney, will be less corroded internally than boilers in which a large quantity of the heat passes away in the smoke; and the corrosion of the boiler will be diminished if the interior of any flue passing through the steam be coated with fire brick, so as to present the transmission of the heat in that situation.

"I won't," promised Eleanor, crawling up after the sure-footed Polly until both reached the top. To their surprise, the girls found a cleft between two great rocks with a quiet pool resting at the base. The current passed, rushing onward to the Falls, but the water circulating in the nook scarcely rippled.