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During the hot fit it is in its usual quantity, but very high coloured and turbid, because a greater quantity had been secreted by the increased action of the kidnies, and also a greater quantity of its more aqueous part had been absorbed from it in the bladder by the increased action of the absorbents; and lastly, at the decline of the hot fit it is in large quantity and less coloured, or turbid, because the absorbent vessels of the bladder, as observed above, lose their increased action by sympathy with the cutaneous ones sooner than the secretory vessels of the kidnies lose their increased activity.

The intestinal absorbents open their mouths on the internal surfaces of the intestines; their office is to drink up the chyle and the other fluids from the alimentary canal; and they are termed lacteals, to distinguish them from the other absorbent vessels, which have been termed lymphatics.

Those, whose mouths are dispersed on the external skin, imbibe a great quantity of water from the atmosphere, and a part of the perspirable matter, which does not evaporate, and are termed cutaneous absorbents. Those, which arise from the internal surface of the bronchia, and which imbibe moisture from the atmosphere, and a part of the bronchial mucus, are called pulmonary absorbents.

The 'Peruvian Bark', or its active principle the disulphate of quina, is a valuable tonic in distemper, especially when combined with the iodide of iron; the iron increasing with the general tone of the system, and the iodine acting as a stimulant to the absorbents. 'Blisters' are occasionally useful or indispensable in some of the casualties and diseases to which the dog is liable.

In this case, was not the milk taken up from the follicles of the pectoral glands, and thrown on the intestines, by a retrogression of the intestinal absorbents? for how can we for a moment suspect that the mucous glands of the intestines could separate pure milk from the blood?

Thus, various aniline dyes were proved to be bromine absorbents, and likewise, more or less, to be capable of being acted upon by light in those regions of the spectrum they absorbed. The result of the two effects was to produce a developable image of the spectrum just in those parts to which the salt of silver was sensitive, and also in the parts where the dye itself was acted upon.

Treat chronic rheumatism about three times a week. Use the A D current, moderate force. Give general tonic treatment; then place P. P. with the feet, in a vessel of warm water, or place the sponge-roll P. P. at the soles of the feet, and treat the affected parts a few minutes with N. P., to quicken the absorbents.

But Hunter, in 1758, was the first to discover the lymphatics in the neck of birds, although it was his brother William who advanced the theory that the function of these vessels was that of absorbents. These studies of the lymphatics have been regarded, perhaps with justice, as Hunter's most valuable contributions to practical medicine.

Whilst those, which arise from the internal surfaces of the urinary bladder, gall-bladder, salivary ducts, or other receptacles of secreted fluids, may take their names from those fluids; the thinner parts of which it is their office to absorb: as urinary, bilious, or salivary absorbents.

Only this, probably: that the woman, whoever she was, had not the usual fancy of her sex for dramatizing her soul in her writing, her dress, her face, kept it locked up instead, intact; that her words and looks, like her writing, were most likely simple, mere absorbents by which she drew what she needed of the outer world to her, not flaunting helps to fling herself, or the tragedy or comedy that lay within, before careless passers-by.