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Thus, on going into a very cold bath, suppose at 33 degrees of heat on Fahrenheit's scale, the action of the subcutaneous capillaries, or glands, and of the mouths of the cutaneous absorbents is diminished, or ceases for a time. Hence less or no blood passes these capillaries, and paleness succeeds.

He enjoys currying as much as a horse or a cow, and would be as careful of his litter as a cat if he had a fair chance. Horses ought to be groomed daily; cows and oxen as often as twice a week; dogs should be washed with soapsuds frequently. Stables should be cleaned out daily. Absorbents of liquid in stables should be removed as often as they become wet.

One amusing reminiscence is the odd paradox of Théophile Gautier, that plants are unwholesome absorbents of vital air, and that for him the ideal of a garden would be a succession of asphaltum paths, with fine-cushioned seats, and narghiles for ever burning in the guise of flowers and shrubbery. A retort of Sainte-Betive's shows the sincerity of his free-thinking opinions.

'I want to see how long a fellow could hold on to life on three pipes of Cavendish per diem. I take it that the absorbents won't be more cruel than a man's creditors, and will not issue a distraint where there are no assets, so that probably by the time I shall have brought myself down to, let us say, seven stone weight, I shall have reached the goal.

So when the lacteals have their motions inverted, as during the operation of strong purges, the urinary and cutaneous absorbents have their motions increased to supply the want of fluid in the blood, as in great thirst; but after a meal with sufficient potation the urine is pale, that is, the urinary absorbents act weakly, no supply of water being wanted for the blood.

The absorbents remove everything around; whatever else is useless, or would he injurious, is taken away, but this strange substance is unchanged. It does not enter into the circulation, for there it would undergo some modification and change, or would be rejected.

If this ingurgitation of spirituous liquors has been daily continued in considerable quantity, and is then suddenly intermitted, a languor or paralysis of the common bile-duct is induced; the bile is prevented from being poured into the intestines; and as the bilious absorbents are stimulated into stronger action by its accumulation, and by the acrimony or viscidity, which it acquires by delay, it is absorbed, and carried to the receptacle of the chyle; or otherwise the secretory vessels of the liver, by the above-mentioned stimulus, invert their motions, and regurgitate their contents into the blood, as sometimes happens to the tears in the lachrymal sack, see Sect.

Hence also the difficulty of promoting copious sweats in anasarca is accounted for, as well as the great thirst, paucity of urine, and loss of fat; since, when the cutaneous branch of absorbents is paralytic, or nearly so, there is already too small a quantity of aqueous fluid in the blood: nor can these torpid cutaneous lymphatics be readily excited into retrograde motions.

Many children have a similar deposition of chyle in their urine, from the irritation of worms in their intestines, which stimulating the mouths of the lacteals into unnatural action, the urinary branch of the absorbents becomes inverted, and carries part of the chyle to the bladder: part of the chyle also has been carried to the iliac and lumbar glands, of which instances are recorded by Haller, t. vii. 225. and which can be explained on no other theory: but the dissections of the lymphatic system of the human body, which have yet been published, are not sufficiently extensive for our purpose; yet if we may reason from comparative anatomy, this translation of chyle to the bladder is much illustrated by the account given of this system of vessels in a turtle, by Mr.

The vessels by which the process of absorption is carried on are called absorbents.